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CRCT PRACTICE, 8/7/14 This is your first CRCT practice. Make sure you date these each day. These go into the CRCT section of your notebook. Name two cell.

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Presentation on theme: "CRCT PRACTICE, 8/7/14 This is your first CRCT practice. Make sure you date these each day. These go into the CRCT section of your notebook. Name two cell."— Presentation transcript:

1 CRCT PRACTICE, 8/7/14 This is your first CRCT practice. Make sure you date these each day. These go into the CRCT section of your notebook. Name two cell structures found in plant cells that are not found in animal cells: A.Nucleus and chloroplast B.Chloroplast and mitochondria C.Ribosome and cell membrane D.Cell wall and chloroplast

2 Setting up science notebooks

3 Vocabulary: 1.Organism- a word used for any living thing 2.Cell-the smallest unit (part) of any living thing 3.Uni- single 4.Unicellular- any organism that is made up of one cell

4 5. Multi- many or several 6. Multicellular- any organism made up of two or more cells; organisms made of many cells 7. Prokaryote-cells that do not have a nucleus 8. Eukaryote-cells that do contain a nucleus

5 CRCT Practice, October 8, 2014 What is the primary source of energy for most ecosystems? A.Water B.Nitrogen C.Soil D.Sunlight

6 Today we will begin practice active partner reading. You and your partner will be reading from the old Book pages 18-25. In active partner reading, each person takes turns reading a paragraph. The reader reads slowly and clearly in a six inch voice. The listener repeats back the important points from what was read. Then they swap jobs. ONCE YOU FINISH partner reading these pages, come get a web sheet from the lab table and together fill it out.


8 9.autotroph- an organism that can make its own glucose (food); undergo Photosynthesis 10. heterotroph-an organism that can NOT make it own glucose (food); must get its glucose from another source

9 Notes 8/8/14 Prokaryotic Cells Cells that do NOT have a nucleus Cells DO HAVE genetic material free floating in the whole cell Cells DO HAVE CHROMOSOMES

10 x x x x x x x x x x Prokaryote cell (NO NUCLEUS) Cell membrane chromosomes Genes Are Found ON chromosomes

11 Prokaryote Cell

12 Eukaryote cells DO have nucleus Chromosomes are found IN nucleus Genes (DNA material) are found on the chromosomes

13 x Cell membrane Nuclear membrane Chromosomes Genes are found ON chromosomes Eukaryote cell (has a nucleus housing DNA information) x x x x x x x x x x

14 Eukaryote Cell

15 Cell video from neo k12

16 Vocabulary August 12, 2013 11. organelle-a cell structure that has a specific job in a cell; found in both plant and animal cells

17 CRCT Practice August 11, 2014 For extinction to take place, what must occur? A.Reproduction of infertile offspring. B. Gradual geological change. C. Death of many species. D.Death of all populations of a single species.

18 12. Cell wall- a nonliving, tough outer covering on a plant cell; found in all plant and fungi cells; gives plant cells protection and support 13. Cell membrane-barrier that surrounds all types of cells; it is selectively permeable barrier; this barrier allows some molecules to move in or out of the cell; not ALL molecules can move into a cell or out of a cell

19 14. Nucleus-the cell structure that controls all functions (jobs) in the cell; contains the DNA; found in both plant and animal cells (all Eukaryote cells) 15. cytoplasm-found in all cells; gel like substance that fills the inside of the cell; protects the cell organelles inside the cell

20 16. chloroplast- the cell structure where photosynthesis occurs (where glucose (food) is produced); found only in plant cells and a few protist cells

21 17. mitochondria-bean shaped organelle; called the “powerhouse of the cell”. This is where the glucose molecule is stored until cellular respiration happens 18. vacuole-cell structure that holds water for the cell; found in both plant and animal cells

22 19. lysosome-cell structures that contain enzymes; break down broken organelles and get rid of trash in the cell 20. Enoplasmic recticulum- (ER) long tubes that let molecules move from one area of the cell to another area of the cell (act like passageways in the cell)

23 21. ribosome-build proteins for the cell ; then stores this protein until it is needed by other parts of the cell 22. Golgi bodies-package the protein molecules (that the ribosomes make) ; when the nucleus tells them to the Golgi bodies send the protein out to different parts of the cell

24 23. Cell wall- a nonliving, tough outer covering on a plant cell; found in all plant and fungi cells; gives plant cells protection and support Guided reading, pages 19-23

25 CRCT Practice, August 12, 2014 Animal cells cannot use energy from sunlight tomake glucose because they lack A.DNA B. mitochondria C. cell walls D. chloroplasts

26 We will set up flip books for cell structures. IF you finish reading and filling out the guided reading before others, begin filling out your flip book.

27 CRCT Practice, August 13, 2013 Which statement is MOST accurate? A. A prey species may be an animal or a plant. B. A prey species encourages growth in a predator species. C. A predator species always kills other species for at least some of its food. D. Populations of predators and prey do not have a direct effect on each other.

28 CRCT Practice, August 14, 2014 Matter moves between organisms and the physical environment when A. birds eat caterpillars B. caterpillars eat leaves C. a dead butterfly decays in the soil D. a butterfly lands on a tree branch

29 Working on cell booklets today. LISTEN carefully to instructions. Flip books due Friday, 8/15 for a single grade. Homework for a grade tonight: finish cell booklets; due at start of class tomorrow

30 CRCT Practice August 15, 2013 In eukaryotic cells, the chromosomes are found in what organelle? A.Cytoplasm B.Mitochondria C.Nucleus D.Chloroplast

31 Today we will do class work for a single grade. Cell as a factory is an analogy. THINK; you may use your notes. ALL QUESTIONS MUST BE ANSWERED IN COMPLETE SENTENCES.

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