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Ruby Diaz Julia Hornick Justin Little Jen Nicosia Erin O‘Flaherty Yuki Palermo Lidia Sandoval Strategic Recommendations.

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Presentation on theme: "Ruby Diaz Julia Hornick Justin Little Jen Nicosia Erin O‘Flaherty Yuki Palermo Lidia Sandoval Strategic Recommendations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ruby Diaz Julia Hornick Justin Little Jen Nicosia Erin O‘Flaherty Yuki Palermo Lidia Sandoval Strategic Recommendations

2 NIGHTLIFE MAGAZINE Austin, Texas is the third fastest growing city in the nation Population increase 32.2% from 2000 - 2008

3 PURCHASE GOSSIP MAGAZINE Purchase competitor to popular People magazine New product with heavy online subscriptions Coast to coast readers

4 UTILIZE RECYLABLE PAPER “90% of magazines are discarded within one year 20% of magazines are recycled 35 million trees are cut down each year from magazine production” y/Magazine-Environmental- Impacts.htm

5 PARTNER WITH D.A.R.E PROGRAM “D.A.R.E is the largest educational program of its kind in the U.S. and the world Taught in every state and 72% of school districts Ranked among the most cost-effective non-profit organizations in the world” D.A.R.E 2009 Annual Report. /0310DARE_AnnualReport_11WEB_000. pdf /0310DARE_AnnualReport_11WEB_000. pdf

6 INTRODUCE EDUCATIONAL MAGAZINE Discovery Communications has broad customer base with over 1.5 billion subscribers worldwide Discovery Communications has already invested in education, providing video-based content to K-12 teachers in the U.S

7 CREATE HEALTH MAGAZINE In competition with Health, Women’s Fitness, Men’s Fitness Demand in organic lifestyle sector is on the rise

8 CREATE COLLEGE PUBLICATION Many students interested to know more about colleges and careers Students spread word of special edition Professors and advisors may recommend this edition

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