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Plymouth Christian Academy, as the educational ministry of Calvary Baptist Church, is committed to pursuing the following strategic directions in the 2015-2020.

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Presentation on theme: "Plymouth Christian Academy, as the educational ministry of Calvary Baptist Church, is committed to pursuing the following strategic directions in the 2015-2020."— Presentation transcript:

1 Plymouth Christian Academy, as the educational ministry of Calvary Baptist Church, is committed to pursuing the following strategic directions in the 2015-2020 timeframe:  Prepare Christian Servant Leaders  Develop Well-Rounded Students of Distinction  Value and Support Committed Faculty  Strengthen Foundational Education  Provide Signature Learning Opportunities  Implement Facility Improvements  Cultivate Ministry Partners

2  Emphasis on:  Leadership Initiatives  Student Seminars / Mentoring programs  Bible/Chapel program  Special Speakers  Service opportunities (e.g., S.H.I.N.E)  Support from:  Student Leadership Parent Advisory Team  Spiritual Formation Parent Advisory Team  CBC Leadership

3  Emphasis on:  Fine & Performing Arts  Athletics  Student body diversity via International Program  Excellent core and elective courses  Support from:  Fine & Performing Arts Booster Board  Athletics Booster Board  International Program Team

4  Emphasis on:  Teacher Evaluation System  Strategic Compensation  Professional Development Opportunities  Targeted Recruiting of Faculty  Impactful Relationships with Students  Support from:  Teacher Endowment Fund (to be established)  Parent-Teacher Fellowship organization

5  Emphasis on:  New Science Lab (Fall of 2016)  Science-Technology-Engineering-Math program  Leadership in Technology  Written and oral communication skills  Support from :  Elementary Academics Parent Advisory Team  Secondary Academics Parent Advisory Team  Technology Parent Advisory Team

6  Emphasis on:  Robotics program  Technology in the classroom  Opportunities for outreach and missions  Unique and varied X-Term classes  Support From:  Technology Parent Advisory Team  CBC Leadership

7  Emphasis on:  Security improvements  New Science Lab (Fall of 2016)  Elimination of Debt  Seeking God’s direction on use of back property  Support from :  CBC Deacon Board  PCA Finance Committee  Facility Improvement Parent Advisory Team

8  Emphasis on:  Communicating our vision of God’s direction for PCA  Align ministry partners with areas they are passionate about  Support from:  PCA Development Team

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