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Warm Up GOAL 1 Reloop 1) Match the following terms with the appropriate descriptor _C__ MercantilismA. influenced the colonies to break away from England.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up GOAL 1 Reloop 1) Match the following terms with the appropriate descriptor _C__ MercantilismA. influenced the colonies to break away from England."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up GOAL 1 Reloop 1) Match the following terms with the appropriate descriptor _C__ MercantilismA. influenced the colonies to break away from England __E_ plantationB. favored proportional representation in Congress _A__ Common SenseC. economic system that limited the trade of the colony to the mother country only __B_ Virginia PlanD. The unifying feeling throughout a nation __D_ nationalism E. a farm that grows cash crops 2) What did the North want when it came to slaves at the Constitutional Convention? The north wanted slaves to count for taxes but not for representation in Congress What did the South want? The south wanted slaves to count for representation but not in taxes What was the compromise? The 3/5 Compromise – For every 5 slaves, they will count as 3 free people in taxes and representation

2 Unit 3

3 What is the purpose of the PREAMBLE? The preamble in the US and the NC constitution lists the purposes of the constitutions. This explains exactly why they created this document.

4 The Preamble U.S. Constitution  Beginning of Document N.C. Constitution  Beginning of Document

5 Bill of Rights/Declaration of Rights U.S. Constitution  Amendments 1-10 N.C. Constitution  Article I

6 Legislative Branch U.S. Constitution  Article I N.C. Constitution  Article II

7 Executive Branch U.S. Constitution  Article II N.C. Constitution  Article III

8 Judicial Branch U.S. Constitution  Article III N.C. Constitution  Article IV

9 Amendments U.S. Constitution  Added to end of document N.C. Constitution  Written into document

10 Federalism Description Governments power divided between the federal and state governments Examples Federal controls military, States control education Table of Contents

11 National (Federal) Government Powers a.k.a. Delegated Powers Coin money Regulate interstate trade  Interstate=between states Create armies Declare war Negotiate with foreign nations Table of Contents

12 National & State Powers a.k.a. Concurrent Powers Collect taxes Borrow Money Establish court system Establish crimes & punishments Table of Contents

13 State Powers a.k.a. Reserved Powers (10 th Amendment) Maintain Public Schools Regulate alcohol Conduct elections License professionals Table of Contents

14 Venn Diagram Table of Contents ExpressedReservedConcurrent &

15 Federalism Table of Contents

16 Federalism The “Supremacy Clause” “This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States…shall be the supreme Law of the Land…” -Article VI, Section 2 Makes the US Constitution the “supreme law of the land.”  In other words, no law is higher than the Constitution Table of Contents

17 The U.S. Constitution Federal Laws State Constitutions State Statutes (Laws) County/City Ordinances Table of Contents

18 According to the chart DISCUSS: If the North Carolina makes a law declaring war on Canada and the U.S. Constitution says it is a federal power to declare war, who would win? (N.C. law or Constitution?) Who would win if Charlotte creates a law allowing convicted felons to be bought and sold as slaves and the 13 th Amendment abolished slavery? (Charlotte law or 13 th Amendment?) Table of Contents

19 Question to Consider Which of the following principles would mean most to a…  Voter  Judge  State Governor  Criminal Table of Contents

20 Federalism-Vocab Full Faith and Credit Clause-each state must respect the laws, records and judicial proceedings of other states. Table of Contents

21 Closure How does the system of checks and balances limit the power of government officials? How is the idea of limited government promoted in the United States Constitution? Should Congress be able to pass a law that is unpopular with citizens?

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