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Presentation on theme: "PROJECT RISING STARS"— Presentation transcript:


2 BACKGROUND I Was Born and Brought Up in Kibera Slum, Nairobi. Unlike Most of My Peers, I Was Able To Attend University, Break Free From The Slum Life & Attain Reasonable Success as an Athlete. Seven Years Ago I Started The Work of Teaching Children (8-12 Years) From Kibera Slum How To Run. I Bundled Together a Few Hundred Kids And Began Teaching Them How To Run & Enjoy Doing It. The Primary Objective Was To Use Sport As A Tool to Achieve Holistic Development Of The Kids Into Responsible Adults. The Secondary Objective Was To Give The Children A Real Chance To Run Themselves Out Of Poverty

3 BACKGROUND My Organization Work Centered Around Education Scholarships For Poor But Talented Children To Be Able To Pursue Their Academic As Well As Athletic Interests. A Fast Forward To 2015, I have 3 School-Going Teenagers Who Have Run Olympic Qualifying Times At Different Athletic Events From 800m and 1500m But In Kenya, There Are At least 300 Athletes Who Run Olympic Qualifying Times in Each Of Those Distances. Simply Put, We Are Too Close To Our Olympic Dreams, Yet Still Far. However, With A Little Help From You, We Can Break Down Each And Every Barrier Standing on Our Way


5 PROJECT AIM Building A Training Academy That Will Protect The Training Environment Of The Most Promising Athletes In Their Quest To Become Olympians. The Academy Will Also Provide An Alternative Home To The Slum, For Young Athletes Running Out Of Poverty Facilitate The Rising Stars As They Mentor, Coach, and Guide The Younger Athletes At Earlier Stages of The 10-Year Development Cycle.

6 FUNDRAISING NEEDS PROJECT PHASE Iten Land Acquisition Training Academy Construction (Phase 1 – Accommodation Hostels) Athlete Development & Training Phase 2 Construction – Training Rooms & Gym COST ESTIMATE US$ 25,000 US$ 20,000 US$ 15,000 US$ 40,000

7 FacilityTrainingCoachingEquipmentCompetition HELP US BUILD FUTURE OLYMPIANS

8 EXPECTED OUTPUT Enable Our Athletes From The Slums To Transit From Junior To Senior Professional Athletes. Once Successful, They Will Be Able to Lift Themselves And Their Families Out of The Poverty Enable 3 Of Our Top Athletes To Train Adequately For, And Compete At The National Olympic Trials in May 2016 Increase Our Capacity To Train And Develop Athletes From Hopeless Children Living in Abject Poverty. The Training Academy Will Enable Us To House More Children in The Holiday Training Camps.


10 Please Subscribe To Our newsletter To Be Posted On The Progress Of Our Documentary Film’ The Slum Runner’ To be Released in The USA In The Coming Months

11 HOW YOU CAN HELP Donate Online To Our Project Page. Donations are tax- deductible in USA and UK. Please Click Here to donate online from UK OR CLICK HERE to donate from USA, Canada or Any Other CountryClick Here CLICK HERE Take Up A Challenge Such as Running A Marathon, Triathlon or Any Other Challenge; Create An Online Fundraising Page on GlobalGiving UK Website GlobalGiving UK Website Create Any Other Online Fundraiser; Birthdays, Employee Giving e.t.c

12 MORE WAYS TO HELP Organize A Fundraising Dinner; I Will be Visiting UK, US in The Months of November/December And Will Be Happy To Attend Your Fundraising Dinner & Do A Project Presentation Organize; Charity Auctions, Music Concerts etc. It Would Also Help Us If You Could Help Us Spread The Word To Your Friends And Family

13 Visit Our Website To learn More About How We make A Difference in The Life of Children


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