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1887-1931. Sherlock Holmes  Conan Doyle  1887 A study in Scarlet  1854 UK  Baker Street 221B  Moriati  Detective  Deductive reasoning Arsène Lupin.

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Presentation on theme: "1887-1931. Sherlock Holmes  Conan Doyle  1887 A study in Scarlet  1854 UK  Baker Street 221B  Moriati  Detective  Deductive reasoning Arsène Lupin."— Presentation transcript:

1 1887-1931

2 Sherlock Holmes  Conan Doyle  1887 A study in Scarlet  1854 UK  Baker Street 221B  Moriati  Detective  Deductive reasoning Arsène Lupin  Maurice Leblanc  1905 The arrest of Arséne Lupin  1864 France  No pacific living place  Ganimard  Thief  Inductive reasoning

3  Sherlock Holmes: They only disturb him. But if he gets atvandge on solving the case, he is still willing to treat them like a gentleman.  Arséne Lupin: Every girl deserves to be treat like a lady. He is a lover, almost in every case, he gets a girl. And in The arrest of Arséne Lupin, he got arrest because to prove his love to a woman.

4  Sherlock Holmes: Most of the time he wait for the case to come to him. (Since the police needs him, he never ran out of cases. )  Arséne Lupin: He loves adventure. He hunt for excitement. The harder the case gets, the more excited he gets. (Well, there always things to steal, always people to help. )

5  Sherlock Holmes: Conan Doyle admires Joseph Bell, the renowned lecturer of the medical university in Edinburgh, Scotland very much. Just like Holmes, he has the ability to reason a person's occupations. In 1987, Conan wrote to his mother that Sherlock took too many of his time. And in 1993, he make Sherlock died with his biggest enemy, Moriati. But make him came back to death, and continue to write until 1927.  Arséne Lupin: Maurice Leblanc's friend Pierre Lafitte, who published the magazine Je sais tout, invited him to write a new reasoning novel. Leblanc didn't really want to, but can't refuse the invitation, so he wrote a short one, The arrest of Arséne Lupin. But surprisingly, people actually liked it! So because of people's expectations, he kept on Lupin's story for twenty-eight years.

6  Sherlock Holmes: According to The Adventure of the 'Gloria Scott', Holmes claimed himself wanted to become a detective because of his classmates father.  Arséne Lupin: According to The queen's necklace, Lupin's first crime was done when he was only six. Because of his mother, a woman who lost his husband, was badly treat by the master. And since then, Lupin steal things not just for money, also for helping poor people.

7  Extraordinary physical strength  Disguise  Sherlock's grandmother was French  Evidence reasoning

8 Maurice Leblanc did let Sherlock appear in his stories. La dame blonde(The blonde lady), La Lampe juive(The Jewish lamp) from Arsène Lupin contre Herlock Sholmès(Arsène Lupin versus Herlock Sholmes). Sherlock Holmès arrive trop tard(Sherlock Holmes arrives too late) from Arsène Lupin, gentleman-cambrioleur(Arsène Lupin, Gentleman Burglar). L'aiguille creuse(The hallow needle). But he didn't ask for Conan Doyle's permission, and in his stories, Sherlock became a stubborn British bastard, who always lose the battle. So he get complains from Sherlock's fans and Doyle, a lot. Then, he changed a few things.

9 Sherlock Holmes in the Arséne Lupin's series :  Sherlock Holmes to Herlock Sholmès.  Baker Street 221B to Parker Street 219  Doctor Watson to Doctor Wilson  Still wearing his all-time characteristical outfit: inverness cape, deerstalker cap, meershaum pipe. Even though Maurice Leblanc made these changes, it's still easy to tell he is reflecting Sherlock Holmes.

10 Technically not. But in nowadays, people actually let the two famous detective and burglar met each again.  Sherlock Holmes:Nemesis  Adventure reasoning  Frogwares  Focus Home Interactive  14'04'2008

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