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TSI Department H. Maître. May 03. P 1 Signal and Image TSI Department Henri Maître.

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Presentation on theme: "TSI Department H. Maître. May 03. P 1 Signal and Image TSI Department Henri Maître."— Presentation transcript:

1 TSI Department H. Maître. May 03. P 1 Signal and Image TSI Department Henri Maître

2 TSI Department H. Maître. May 03. P 2 The Lab  Staff : 33 GET 9 CNRS  Ph’D candidates : ~ 45  Post-Docs, sabbatical, research assistants : ~ 10

3 TSI Department H. Maître. May 03. P 3 Research groups  COD : Coding  AAO : Acoustics, & Optics  TII : Image Processing and Understanding  TSAC : Statistical Processing for Signal and Communications  PAM : Perception, Learning and Modelling

4 TSI Department H. Maître. May 03. P 4 COD : Coding  Robust hierarchical coding of video and audio signal (MPEG 4 and the forth...)  Audio and video Watermarking Multimedia for foreign language learning Bit rate reduction of still images Compression and spatialization of audio signal within MPEG 4 framework Watermarking and steganography as hidden channels for mediametry and multimedia applications

5 TSI Department H. Maître. May 03. P 5 Hierarchical coding of video B. Pesquet Relationships between wavelets coefficients in a 2D +t spatio-temporal coder

6 TSI Department H. Maître. May 03. P 6 Acoustics and Optics  Acoustical signal processing applied to musics  Acoustical signal processing applied to audio prothesis  Dynamical holography as a tool for image processing and communication switching

7 TSI Department H. Maître. May 03. P 7 Digital directionnal microphone Analog Digital Improving the directivity diagram of a microphone: better symmetry, smaller back scattering. Y. Grenier

8 TSI Department H. Maître. May 03. P 8 Help for hearing disabled persons Inverting the deficient ear : enlarging critical bands and compensating for the cochlear loss. Collaboration with Avicenne and Crisal Hopital. J. Prado, T. Fillon

9 TSI Department H. Maître. May 03. P 9 Image Processing and Understanding  medical image processing: brain  aerial and satellite image processing radar Visible range : urban areas and cities  restoration and processing of multi-images  3D and object processing

10 TSI Department H. Maître. May 03. P 10 Brain modelling Recognition of cerebral structures from a medical atlas based on graph matching I. Bloch, A. Perchant

11 TSI Department H. Maître. May 03. P 11 3D object acquisition and modelling Adaptive mesh for museum applications F. Schmitt, Carlos Hernandez, Alejandro Ribes.

12 TSI Department H. Maître. May 03. P 12 3D acquisition and modeling of cities The city of Amiens from 4 images with a resolution of 20 cm per pixel M. Roux

13 TSI Department H. Maître. May 03. P 13 SAR Interférometry Tropospheric fringe correction by modelling and filtering image brute MNE phase filtrée F. Chaabane, F. Tupin

14 TSI Department H. Maître. May 03. P 14 Traitement du Signal et Applications aux Communications  Statistical modeling for digital communications (equalisation, antenna networks, modulation, etc.)  Algorithmic inférence methods (EM, HMM)  Temporal series  Sources separation  Data mining

15 TSI Department H. Maître. May 03. P 15 Traffic on the web paquets TCP reçus par un routeur par seconde probabilités d’appartenance à des classes de densité croissante Estimation par MCMC O. Cappé, F. Roueff

16 TSI Department H. Maître. May 03. P 16 Source Separation for imagerie multi-channel astrophysics Separation of sources from the deep sky cosmologic background J.F. Cardoso

17 TSI Department H. Maître. May 03. P 17 Perception, Learning, Modelling  Colour perception modelling  Hand-writting variability  Multimedia documents  Modelling speach production  Modelling the central motor control of human beings

18 TSI Department H. Maître. May 03. P 18 Abnormal vision of colours normal deutéranope protanope H. Brettel

19 TSI Department H. Maître. May 03. P 19 Publications

20 TSI Department H. Maître. May 03. P 20 activité contractuelle

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