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Agenda: Opening Prayer Approval of minutes from Nov. meeting Financial Update (Mark Larson) Elder Nominations: Ben Bartlett, Mark Larson Looking Back (Pastor.

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Presentation on theme: "Agenda: Opening Prayer Approval of minutes from Nov. meeting Financial Update (Mark Larson) Elder Nominations: Ben Bartlett, Mark Larson Looking Back (Pastor."— Presentation transcript:

1 Agenda: Opening Prayer Approval of minutes from Nov. meeting Financial Update (Mark Larson) Elder Nominations: Ben Bartlett, Mark Larson Looking Back (Pastor Darin) Looking Forward Closing Prayer

2 Grace Financial Health-May, 2013 General Fund Benev. Fund Bldg Fund Mission Fund 1/1 Balance $25,013 $478 $0 $1,420 4/30 Balance $21,960 $748 $0 $1,994 Budget: Plan $77,084 Average Budgeted Giving $19,271 Actual $72,148 Average Monthly Giving $17,278 Average Budgeted Expenses $19,271 Average Monthly Expenses $18,037 Loan Balance: $379,602 Church Plant Fund: $5,000 Building Fund Projects: 1.Bathroom tile ($1,500) 2.Playground ($3,000) 3.New Carpet ($6,000) 4.Audio Upgrades ($6,000) 5.New Basketball Hoop ($3,000) TOTAL: $19,500

3 Highlights from 2012-2013 Monthly FUSION, weekly BreakAway 5 regular Grace Groups involve around 45% Women’s Ministry: Tuesday study w/ Sue plus monthly book club Men’s Ministry: Iron Men intro in the fall plus monthly evening and morning meetings Attendance stabilized around 110 Over 80% involvement in ministry Giving came within $1,300 of matching spending in a budget of $235,000

4 Church Unique Purpose: refresh clarity for the sake of alignment and forward movement Product: fresh articulation of our unique calling as a church – we will glorify God and make disciples BY… Process: 4-6 months of prayer, Bible study and discussion among leaders

5 Church Unique Session 1 - Kingdom Concept Transformational Love What’s Your Verse?

6 Church Unique Session 2 - 3 Vision Frame

7 Looking Forward: As we re-focus on a fresh vision from the Lord We are refreshing our training for Group Pastors and preparing to (re) Launch GRACE Groups in the fall: G R A C E row each out sk God are quip

8 Looking Forward: As we re-focus on a fresh vision from the Lord As we refresh our Group Pastor training We are re-building our Ministry Commissions DiscipleshipMissionsFamily Groups LDC Men / Wmn Con / Fel Sun AM Wed PM Youth Events Local US World Worship Facility PRAYER

9 Looking Forward: As we re-focus on a fresh vision from the Lord As we refresh our Group Pastor training As we rebuild our Ministry Commissions We are reaching out to our friends and neighbors

10 Back Door Front Door Grace EFC Worship Service Small Groups Programs

11 Back Door Front Door Grace EFC Worship Service Small Groups Programs

12 Back Door Front Door Grace EFC Worship Service Small Groups Programs Double Involvement in Small Groups 80% connection in groups closes the back door.

13 Side Door Side Door Back Door Front Door Grace EFC Worship Service Small Groups Programs Move everything toward outreach Invest in Efforts to Reach lost people

14 Calendar: 7/2 – Pastor Mike Preaches 7/8 – Church Unique Session 2: values & mission 7/16 – Pastor Bobby Tinner (NOLA) preaches June-July – Adventure Bible Camps at homes July-August – Group Pastor Training August – Church Unique Session 3: measurements of success & strategy (re)Launch Grace Groups in September Luke series continues through November My Hope with Billy Graham – Nov. 3-9

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