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TDWG Standards Process Stan Blum, Convener sblum AT TDWG 2002.

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1 TDWG Standards Process Stan Blum, Convener sblum AT TDWG 2002

2 TDWG Process Subgroup The process by which TDWG develops and ratifies standards is specified in the TDWG By Laws: The charge of the “Process” subgroup is to revise these procedures and monitor their effectiveness

3 Definitions Standard [General] something established by authority, custom or general consent as a model or example [within IT] a specification that enables information interchange, interoperability, and integration Specification a detailed description of design criteria for a piece of work

4 Kinds of TDWG Standards (provisional classification of existing TDWG standards) syntactic / encoding / exchange vocabulary/value; record/object semantic / data structure definition

5 Syntactic / Exchange Standards Examples: XDF, HISPID Context: minimally involves sender and receiver semantics have to be negotiated in each exchange-type needs to be integrated with common desktop tools need to keep pace with changing tech. (CSV vs. ASN.1 vs. XML) Insufficient demand / ability to use the standard

6 Vocabulary / Data Value Standards Examples: Plant Name Authors, TL2, Plant biogeographic regions, taxonomic authority files Contextual problems: Primary use is incorporation into other DBs Were not easily available as data sets Vague process for maintenance, no support No process for maintaining replicated copies

7 Semantic / Data Structure Definition Standards Examples: Plant Names, various data models for taxonomic and collection DBs Contextual Problems: As prospective standard: Interoperability will not be achieved by promoting a standard; local databases will never become homogeneous. Each implementation is a local optimization of objectives and technical resources As federation schema: no software (yet) to perform distributed queries

8 Lingering questions When do we really need a “standard”? Only when: Integration and interoperability are feasible; Users demand interoperability; Multiple developers have support to implement it; A useful capability cannot be achieved without it. What activities and products would be useful when a standard would be premature? Guidelines or recommendations Best Current Practice Technical papers and proposals

9 Characteristics of a revised TDWG standards process See: ( = W3C) ( = Internet Eng. Task Force) All deliberations, products, schedules, etc. available on the web (use e-mail lists and archives) Emphasis on consensus; unanimity not required, but voting minimized

10 Characteristics of a revised TDWG standards process (cont’d) Working groups with clear Charters Goals (products) Schedules Stringent requirements for a specification to be adopted (promoted) as a standard

11 Example -- the IETF standards track: Proposed Standard - immature specification, but useful Draft Standard - at least two implementations from separate code bases; mature and useful; normally considered to be a final specification, adjusted only to solve specific problems Standard - significant implementation and successful operational experience exists.

12 Characteristics of a revised TDWG standards process (cont’d) Monitor effectiveness Provisions for revising and retiring standards Independence from products

13 TDWG Standards Process To participate in the re-formulation of the TDWG Standards Process please contact Stan Blum sblum AT Also see:

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