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Monitor of All-sky X-ray Image MAXI mission on ISS Covering fraction of the sky 160 deg (long) ×1.5 deg (FWHM) × 2.FO.V. F.O.V. 2 % Scans 90 ~ 98% with.

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Presentation on theme: "Monitor of All-sky X-ray Image MAXI mission on ISS Covering fraction of the sky 160 deg (long) ×1.5 deg (FWHM) × 2.FO.V. F.O.V. 2 % Scans 90 ~ 98% with."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monitor of All-sky X-ray Image MAXI mission on ISS Covering fraction of the sky 160 deg (long) ×1.5 deg (FWHM) × 2.FO.V. F.O.V. 2 % Scans 90 ~ 98% with 96 minutes rotation of ISS. Position resolution Point spread function: 1.5 deg (FWHM) Localization accuracy: 6 arcminutes. Energy band, resolution 2 ~ 30 keV, 18% @ 5.9 keV. Timing accuracy120μsec to GPS time. Detection limit (5σ)7 mCrab (1orbit), 1 mCrab (1week). Covering fraction of the sky 90 deg (long) ×1.5 deg (FWHM) × 2.FO.V. F.O.V. 1.3 % Scans 70% with 96 minutes rotation of ISS. Position resolution Point spread function: 1.5 deg (FWHM) Localization accuracy: 6 arcminutes. Energy band, resolution 0.5 ~ 10keV, < 150 eV @ 5.9 keV. Timing resolution 3 ~ 16sec depending on the readout mode of CCDs. Detection limit (5σ)20 mCrab (1orbit), 2 mCrab (1week) Real time dataReal time contact will be in more than 50% of the observation time. Alert delay is less than 30 s after the MAXI scan. Stored dataOff-contact data are stored in the data recorder and are down-linked in the next contact. Alert delay is 20 minutes ~ 3 hours. AlertBursts and novae are alerted to the users through the internet. DataImages, spectra, and light curves of any X-ray sources and sky-areas can be obtained through web browsers in the internet. Abstract MAXI can discover a distant X-ray nova and trace its light curve, which cannot be observed with previous ASMs. Much more bursts will be detected. A bright nova will be monitored from the rising phase to the decaying end. Intensity [mCrab] Distance [light-yr] MAXI sensitivity Current sensitivity Observational Targets Time [ days ] Intensity [mCrab] 0100200 1 10 1 10 2 10 4 10 5 10 3 1orbit X-ray nova ! (Tanaka et al.) Long-term High-sensitivity X-ray monitoring MAXI sensitivity Current sensitivity GSC SSC User Alert MAXI website : E-mail: Spectra obtained with SSC Solid-state Slit Camera (SSC) Gas Slit Camera (GSC) Zenithal view Forward view One-dim. detector collimator slit Slit camera and Field of view X-ray from the sources goes through the slit and is detected by the one-dimensional detector. The X-ray position in the detector corresponds to the location of the source in the F.O.V. The collimator defines the long F.O.V. Thus the source position (α,δ) is obtained. MAXI has two kinds of slit cameras: GSC and SSC. Six GSC and two SSC can cover two F.O.V.s: forward and zenithal. The F.O.V.s scan almost the whole sky with 96 minutes rotation of ISS. GSC utilizes gas proportional counters sensitive to 2 - 30 keV. The one-dimensional X-ray position is given by the charge division method of the carbon fiber anodes with 10μm diameter. The 12 counters makes very large 5000 cm 2 area. Metorex (Oxford) manufactures large-area sealed Xe counters with space quality. SSC utilizes X-ray CCDs sensitive to 0.5 - 10 keV. One stage Peltier cooler is attached under each chip. Pixel size is 24× 24μm, and pixel number is 1024×1024. The 16 CCD × 2 cameras makes 200 cm 2. Hamamatsu CCD has a deep depletion layer and a good energy resolution. Real time contact will be established in 12 ~ 17 hours per day. The data is automatically processed in JAXA Tsukuba space center. When a burst or a nova is detected, an alert is issued within 30 s to observers in all over the world. The MAXI data goes public within 1 day. Alert and data publication MAXI instruments Solid-state Slit Camera (SSC) Weight 500 kg, Size 1.8 ×1.2×0.8m Gas Slit Camera (GSC) Proportional countercollimator International Space Station (ISS) Japanese Experiment Module (JEM) Japanese Experiment Module forward altitude: 330 ~ 480 km inclination: 51.6 deg. orbital period: 96 minutes MAXI Robot arm Pressurized Module Exposed facility Tatehiro Mihara, M itsuhiro Kohama, M otoki Nakajima (RIKEN), M asaru Matsuoka, S hiro Ueno, H iroshi Tomida, N aoki Isobe, H aruyoshi Katayama, M ikio Morii (JAXA), H iroshi Tsunemi, E mi Miyata (Osaka U), N obuyuki Kawai, J un Kataoka (Tokyo Tech U), A tsumasa Yoshida, K azutaka Yamaoka (Aoyama U), H itoshi Negoro (Nihon U) 2004.3. Critical Design Review (CDR) was passed. The fabrication of flight counters and parts and their calibration have started. 2006.4. The first assembly of the whole payload. 2008 Launch by H-IIA rocket. ○GSC Counters: 15 counters were already made out of 12 flight and 4 spare counters. The calibration of five of them were finished. Collimators: Test of EM model was finished. PFM is in fabrication. ○SSC Cameras: Test of EM camera was finished. PFM camera is being designed and manufactured. Temperature control is being improved. CCD chips: Fabrication and screening were finished. 48 flight chips are ready. The Monitor of All-sky X-ray Image (MAXI) is a highly sensitive all-sky monitor which will be attached to the Japanese Experiment Module of the International Space Station in 2008. MAXI utilizes scanning X-ray slit-cameras which consist of two kinds of instruments. The Gas Slit Camera (GSC) is the proportional counter with Xe and is sensitive to 2 - 30 keV. The Solid-state Slit Camera (SSC) is the CCD sensitive to 0.5 - 10 keV. The slit cameras have long field of views, and scan almost the whole sky in one orbit of ISS. As an X-ray all-sky monitor, MAXI will have an unprecedented sensitivity of 7 mCrab in one orbit scan, and 1 mCrab in one week. MAXI can monitor extragalactic objects as well as the galactic objects. MAXI will make a dynamic catalog of more than 1000 X-ray sources in time scales from hours to years. The alert of bursts and novae will be promptly informed to the world through the internet. The flight detectors were already built, and the assembling and calibration of the detectors and collimators are in progress. H-IIA / HTV launch 200020012002200320042005200620072008200920102011 1 st assembly MAXI operationDetailed designFabrication and assemblyBasic design CDR PDR Payload test software GSC fabri. & calibration SSC fabri. & calibration ASTRO-E2 Swift INTEGRAL GLAST Chandra XMM-Newton Lobster-ISS RXTE Missions MAXI schedule now Simulated MAXI observation. X-ray sources are picked up from this MAXI map and light curves for all the sources are obtained. MAXI monitors flux changes of more than 1000 X-ray sources in time scales from 96 minutes to years. MAXI takes “movies” of the X-ray sky. Previous ASMs targeted bright galactic objects. MAXI can observe beyond our galaxy. MAXI status and schedule 20cm SSC camera and CCD ΔE=145eV 36cm 48cm Galactic coordinates observers Alert Low-rate data 1553B Mid-rate data Ethernet MAXI operation data request Database Data- base Spectrum in one day Detection in one day 1week MAXI data sheets

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