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Configuration Management (II) Copyright, 2000 © Jerzy R. Nawrocki Requirements.

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1 Configuration Management (II) Copyright, 2000 © Jerzy R. Nawrocki Requirements Engineering Lecture 9 Requirements Engineering Lecture 9

2 J. Nawrocki, Requirements Eng., Lecture 9 Plan of the lecture From the previous lecture.. Activities

3 J. Nawrocki, Requirements Eng., Lecture 9 From the previous lecture.. SCI = “Information that is created as part of the software engineering process.” [R.Pressman] Software Configuration Item (SCI) if (a > b) a-= b;  18 27

4 J. Nawrocki, Requirements Eng., Lecture 9 From the previous lecture.. An SCI that has been formally reviewed and agreed upon, that thereafter serves as the basis for further development, and that can be changed only through formal change control procedures. Baseline SpecificationDesignCodeTest cases

5 J. Nawrocki, Requirements Eng., Lecture 9 SCCBs at PUT SCCB From the previous lecture.. In-SCCB (for changing internal commitments): Quality Assurance Group (5th year) Project Managers (4th year) Ex-SCCB (for changing external commitments: In-SCCB members Customer representative Project area manager (Bartek)

6 J. Nawrocki, Requirements Eng., Lecture 9 Soft. Configuration Management Group SCMG From the previous lecture.. SCMG at PUT: one of Project Managers (4th year) called S.C. Manager

7 J. Nawrocki, Requirements Eng., Lecture 9 From the previous lecture.. The SCM plan is authored by S.C. Manager. The SCM plan should be baselined. The SCM plan is reviewed by all the team members. The SCM plan is available through the project’s web page along with all the previous versions of it.... SCM Planning Procedure

8 J. Nawrocki, Requirements Eng., Lecture 9 From the previous lecture.. 1. Introduction 1.1 Purpose of the Document 1.2 Scope of the Plan 1.3. Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations 1.4 References 2. SCM scheduled activities (establishment of the baseline library system, SCM training, etc.) SCM Plan (I)

9 J. Nawrocki, Requirements Eng., Lecture 9 From the previous lecture.. 3. Products to be placed under SCM 4. Change management procedure (Ac. 5-6) 5. Creating a product from the baseline library 6. Recording the status of configuration items 7. Reporting SCM activities 8. Software baseline audits SCM Plan (II)

10 J. Nawrocki, Requirements Eng., Lecture 9 From the previous lecture.. BLS at PUT: HTML pages + (CVS [CVS], Source Safe, or ClearCase) Baseline Library System (III) Baseline library Baseline

11 J. Nawrocki, Requirements Eng., Lecture 9 From the previous lecture.. At minimum: IPD SRS Design Code Test cases and test beds Baselined SCIs at PUT SpecificationDesignCodeTest cases

12 J. Nawrocki, Requirements Eng., Lecture 9 From the previous lecture.. Change control at PUT Change request Err UserS.C. Manager Change request Developer Change report SCCB Deci- sion Change order P. Manager

13 J. Nawrocki, Requirements Eng., Lecture 9 From the previous lecture.. Change request Change request number:............................ Sender:......................................................... Sender’s e-mail:........................................... Date:.............................................................. Urgency:................. Importance:.............. Description:........................................................................................................................ Evaluator:..................................................... Evaluate by:........... Type (in/external).......

14 J. Nawrocki, Requirements Eng., Lecture 9 Baseline ActivitiesActivities Ac6. Changes to baselines are controlled according to a documented procedure.

15 J. Nawrocki, Requirements Eng., Lecture 9 Check-in ActivitiesActivities Changing executable baselines at PUT Developer Change order Baseline library Baseline SCI Regression tester Test report SCCB/FTR SCI S.C. Manager Baseline Check-out

16 J. Nawrocki, Requirements Eng., Lecture 9 Check-in ActivitiesActivities Changing non-executable baselines Developer Change order Baseline library Baseline SCI SCCB/FTR S.C. Manager Baseline Check-out

17 J. Nawrocki, Requirements Eng., Lecture 9 ActivitiesActivities Software product = The complete set, or any of the individual items of the set, of computer programs, procedures, and associated documentation and data designated for delivery to a customer or end user. [IEEE-STD-610]  Glossary Software work product = Any artefact created as part of defining, maintaining or using a software process. They (..) may or may not be intended for a delivery to a customer or end user.

18 J. Nawrocki, Requirements Eng., Lecture 9 Product ActivitiesActivities Ac7. Products from the software baseline library are created and their release is controlled according to a documented procedure. The SCCB authorises creation of products from the baseline lib. Products are build only from baselines.

19 J. Nawrocki, Requirements Eng., Lecture 9 ActivitiesActivities Creating a product at PUT S.C. Manager Baseline library Baseline Product Integration tester Test report Ex-SCCB/FTR Product Customer/End user

20 J. Nawrocki, Requirements Eng., Lecture 9 ActivitiesActivities Ac8. The status of SCIs is recorded according to a documented procedure The CM actions are recorded so that the content and status of each SCI are known and previous versions can be recovered. The current status & history of each SCI are maintained S.C. Manager

21 J. Nawrocki, Requirements Eng., Lecture 9 ActivitiesActivities Ac9. Standard reports documenting the SCM activities and the contents of the software baseline [library - JN] are developed and made available to affected groups and individuals. S.C. Manager

22 J. Nawrocki, Requirements Eng., Lecture 9 ActivitiesActivities 1. Introduction 1.1 Purpose of the Document 1.2 Scope of the Report 1.3. Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations 1.4 References 2. SCCB meeting minutes 2.1 Internal SCCB 2.2 External SCCB SCM Report (I)

23 J. Nawrocki, Requirements Eng., Lecture 9 ActivitiesActivities 3. Change requests and problem reports 3.1 Change requests and their status 3.2 Problem reports and their status 4. Revision history of baselines 4.1 Initial Project Description 4.2 Software Requirements Specification 4.3 Software Development Plan 5. Results of audits of the software baseline library SCM Report (II)

24 J. Nawrocki, Requirements Eng., Lecture 9 ActivitiesActivities Ac10. Software baseline audits are conducted according to a documented procedure. Baseline

25 J. Nawrocki, Requirements Eng., Lecture 9 ActivitiesActivities Audit = An independent examination of a work product or set of work products to assess compliance with specifications, standards, contractual agreements, or other criteria. [IEEE-STD-610]  Glossary

26 J. Nawrocki, Requirements Eng., Lecture 9 ActivitiesActivities There is adequate preparation for the audit. The integrity of software baselines is assessed. The structure and facilities of the configuration management library system are reviewed. The completeness and correctness of the software baseline library contents are verified. Audit procedure for baselines (I)

27 J. Nawrocki, Requirements Eng., Lecture 9 ActivitiesActivities Compliance with applicable SCM standards and procedures is verified. The results of the audit are reported to the project software manager. Action items from the audit are tracked to closure. Audit procedure for baselines (II)

28 J. Nawrocki, Requirements Eng., Lecture 9 ActivitiesActivities 1. Has the change specified in the change order been made? Have any additional modifications been incorporated? 2. Has a FTR been conducted to assess technical correctness? 3. Have software engineering standards been properly followed? Audit questions [Pressman]

29 J. Nawrocki, Requirements Eng., Lecture 9 ActivitiesActivities 4. Has the change been “highlighted” in the SCI? Have the change date and change author been specified? Do the attributes of the configuration object reflect the change? 5. Have SCM procedures for noting the change, recording it, and reporting it been followed? 6. Have all related SCIs been properly updated? Audit questions [Pressman]

30 J. Nawrocki, Requirements Eng., Lecture 9 SummarySummary Procedure for controlling changes to executable and non-executable baselines. Procedure for creating a product. Standard structure for an SCM report. Audit procedure for baselines.

31 J. Nawrocki, Requirements Eng., Lecture 9 Further readings [CMM] M.C. Paulk et. al.,The Capability Maturity Model: Guidelines for Improving the Software Process, Addison-Wesley, Reading, 1994. [Pressman] R. Pressman, Software Engineering. A practitioner’s Approach, McGraw Hill, New York, 1997. [CVS] cvs_toc.html 

32 J. Nawrocki, Requirements Eng., Lecture 9 HomeworkHomework Write SCM plan for your project. (4th year) Organise a FTR or Fagan-like inspection of an SCM plan. (5th year)

33 J. Nawrocki, Requirements Eng., Lecture 9 Quality assessment 1. What is your general impression? (1 - 6) 2. Was it too slow or too fast? 3. What important did you learn during the lecture? 4. What to improve and how?

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