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Independent Reading Project To enhance the focus of Unit 1 (The American Dream), you are to read nonfiction essays, memoirs, autobiographies, or biographies.

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Presentation on theme: "Independent Reading Project To enhance the focus of Unit 1 (The American Dream), you are to read nonfiction essays, memoirs, autobiographies, or biographies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Independent Reading Project To enhance the focus of Unit 1 (The American Dream), you are to read nonfiction essays, memoirs, autobiographies, or biographies that will help you understand how others define the American Dream. You will choose from the following authors: – Betty Smith, Laura Hillenbrand, James Herriott, Anne Moody, Anita Desai, Frank McCourt, Rick Bragg, Jeannette Walls, Fransisco Jiminez, Marilyn Chin, Richard Rodriguez, James Baldwin, Sherman Alexie, Anzia Yezierska, Mary Antin You will have until Friday to locate an appropriate text. I suggest you Google the author and find out what they’ve written. You might find some of the works online and not have to borrow/purchase the book.

2 You will create a Power Point that presents the following information: – Title slide (include title of selection, author’s name, your name and class period) – Summary of your text (1 slide) – Brief biography of author which includes a back-story to the text. (2 slides) – How does the text you chose relate to or define the American Dream? (1 slide) – Quotes from the text that illustrate the author’s definition or POV of the American Dream. (2 slides at least 4 or more quotes) – Which texts in this unit presented similar ideas, opinions or point of view? Explain. (1 slide) – How do the people and events from your independent reading compare and contrast with your definition of what it means to be an American? (1 slide) – How has your perception of the American Dream changed as a result of your reading? (1 slide) – Add images that relate to the content of your PP and themes presented in your reading.

3 Important Information Due Date: You must have your reading and project finished by Friday, September 22. You will bring the PP on a flash drive or send it through email. You will also print out a handout with all of your slides and hand that in as well. I will not accept this project late.

4 Rubric ElementAbove Average 5/4Average 3/2Below Average 1/0 Summary Summary is in student’s own words and reflects deep understanding and knowledge of text. Summary is in student’s own words and reflects moderate understanding and knowledge of the text. Summary is in student’s own words but reflects little understanding and knowledge of text. Brief Biography/Back- story Biography highlights key events and information that is edited for interest and relevancy. Back-story is accurate. Biography is accurate but not edited for interest and relevancy. Back-story is unclear. Biography is unedited—cut and paste. Back-story is missing or inaccurate. Quotes Four or more quotes which thoroughly illustrate the author’s definition of /POV on the American Dream. Four quotes which moderately illustrate the author’s definition/POV on the American Dream. Four quotes that slightly illustrate the author’s definition of /POV on the American Dream. Questions Answers reflect deep understanding and knowledge of the text and how it connects to concepts in Unit 1. Answers reflect moderate understanding and knowledge of the text and how it connects to concepts in Unit 1. Answers reflect little understanding and knowledge of the text and how it connects to concepts in Unit 1. ImagesImages support and enhance the content of presentation. Images support presentation but add little enhancement. Images fail to support presentation. Total points x 4 = Score

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