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1 Cyber-Enabled Discovery and Innovation Michael Foster May 11, 2007.

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1 1 Cyber-Enabled Discovery and Innovation Michael Foster May 11, 2007

2 2 Purpose of this Talk Present the many NSF views of CDI Present the many NSF views of CDI Ask what NSF should do Ask what NSF should do Ask how CISE should bring that about Ask how CISE should bring that about Multiple views of an elephant From

3 3 CDI Goals With CDI, at the end of five years, we expect to have: enhanced ability to deal with research requiring petascale cyberinfrastructure, enhanced ability to deal with research requiring petascale cyberinfrastructure, a strengthened technical basis for a new generation of computational discovery in all areas of S&E, and a strengthened technical basis for a new generation of computational discovery in all areas of S&E, and significant progress in educating computational discoverers significant progress in educating computational discoverers

4 4 President’s Budget Request for FY08 Submitted in February, must be acted upon by Congress Submitted in February, must be acted upon by Congress $51.98M requested in FY08 for CDI $51.98M requested in FY08 for CDI – Projected rise in $50M increments to $250M in FY12 Funds requested by directorate: Funds requested by directorate: – CISE $20M – MPS $10M – ENG $10M – OCI $5.88M – EHR $5M – SBE $1.1M

5 5 CDI: The NSF-Wide View Contributes to American Competitiveness Contributes to American Competitiveness Computationally based discovery concepts and tools Computationally based discovery concepts and tools Complex, data-rich, interacting systems Complex, data-rich, interacting systems Five themes: Five themes: – Knowledge Extraction Visualization, data mining, statistics, heterogeneous data, multiple sources Visualization, data mining, statistics, heterogeneous data, multiple sources – Complex Interactions Computational thinking, emergent behavior Computational thinking, emergent behavior – Computational Experimentation Simulation, dynamic modeling Simulation, dynamic modeling – Virtual Environments Collaboration, exploration Collaboration, exploration – Educating Students and Researchers Add to basic education, use virtual environments Add to basic education, use virtual environments

6 6 CISE View of CDI CDI is computational thinking for scientists and engineers. CDI is computational thinking for scientists and engineers. – Complex interactions call for algorithmic processes to model the underlying phenomena Contribute to all five themes Contribute to all five themes – Expand scope of themes Deepen computational thinking in all fields Deepen computational thinking in all fields – Multidisciplinary projects connect CISE researchers with other fields Other views are developing Other views are developing – CISE implementation committee formed

7 7 Other Views of CDI ENG ENG – Simulation (e.g. modeling the electric power grid, computational fluid dynamics) – Research to create virtual environments MPS MPS – Modeling, algorithms, software, simulation – Development of global computing GRID SBE SBE – Interdisciplinary collaboratories – Data extraction research EHR EHR – Interface of information technology and education OCI OCI – Virtual environments

8 8 CDI Implementation Efforts CISE CDI Committee CISE CDI Committee – Michael Foster, chair; Lenore Mullin and Sirin Tekinay, CCF; David Du and Anita LaSalle, CNS; Wayne Lutters and Frank Olken, IIS Workshops Workshops – Algorithmic worldview workshops at Princeton and Caltech: December 2006 and March 2007 – Planned Computational Experimentation workshop at RPI: August 2007 MPS committee on cyberinfrastructure is in discussion. MPS committee on cyberinfrastructure is in discussion. – Lenore Mullin from CCF attends MPS/ENG are teaming to advance their common interest in simulation and infrastructure. MPS/ENG are teaming to advance their common interest in simulation and infrastructure. Assistant directors continue to discuss Assistant directors continue to discuss Division director round table scheduled for June 6 Division director round table scheduled for June 6

9 9 Other CDI Implementation Efforts MPS committee on cyberinfrastructure is in discussion. MPS committee on cyberinfrastructure is in discussion. – Lenore Mullin from CCF attends MPS/ENG are teaming to advance their common interest in simulation and infrastructure. MPS/ENG are teaming to advance their common interest in simulation and infrastructure. Assistant directors continue to discuss Assistant directors continue to discuss Division director round table scheduled for June 6 Division director round table scheduled for June 6

10 10 History 2003-2006 Several threads in the community 2003-2006 Several threads in the community – Computational thinking – Computation as a lens – Science 2020 March 2006 “Beyond Computational Science” March 2006 “Beyond Computational Science” May 2006 CDI named, presented at AD retreat May 2006 CDI named, presented at AD retreat May 2006-February 2007 CDI under discussion within NSF and with OMB for possible inclusion in budget request. Becomes more inclusive and generic. May 2006-February 2007 CDI under discussion within NSF and with OMB for possible inclusion in budget request. Becomes more inclusive and generic. February 2007 NSF budget request contains CDI February 2007 NSF budget request contains CDI March 2007 search for epigrams, start of implementation March 2007 search for epigrams, start of implementation April 2007 CISE CDI implementation committee formed April 2007 CISE CDI implementation committee formed

11 11 Questions for email Discussion How can we energize and expand our communities? How can we energize and expand our communities? What areas should we emphasize during the first year of CDI? What areas should we emphasize during the first year of CDI? How can we coordinate with related efforts in other agencies, governments, and organizations? How can we coordinate with related efforts in other agencies, governments, and organizations?

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