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Early Ideas About Evolution

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1 Early Ideas About Evolution
10.1 Notes Early Ideas About Evolution

2 Read p. 298-301 and create notes with the following information:
A. Define the following words Evolution Species Fossils B. Theories of geologic change set the stage for Darwin’s theory Cuvier’s thoughts Catastrophism Gradualism Uniformitarianism

3 Answer the following questions:
What important concepts about Earth did Hutton and Lyell agree upon? Briefly describe two ideas about evolution that were proposed by scientists in the 18th century. What ideas in Lyell’s theory of uniformitarianism were important for evolutionary theory? What the key differences between the theories of gradualism and catastrophism? Why are the ideas that Earth undergoes change and is billions of years old important for evolutionary theory? How can you use the concept of genetic inheritance to disprove Lamarck’s idea of the inheritance of acquired characteristics?

4 Scientist poster You and your partner will create a poster outlining the ideas of prominent evolutionary scientists. Your poster will contain the name of the scientist at the top. Discuss the idea(s) of your scientist as it (they) relate to evolution.

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