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Pixel power R&D in Spain F. Arteche Phase II days Phase 2 pixel electronics meeting CERN - May 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Pixel power R&D in Spain F. Arteche Phase II days Phase 2 pixel electronics meeting CERN - May 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pixel power R&D in Spain F. Arteche Phase II days Phase 2 pixel electronics meeting CERN - May 2015

2 OUTLINE 1. Introduction 2. Spanish R&D for powering – Implementation – Schedule and tasks 3. AIDA2020 – EMC facility – Support for pixel 4. Conclusions 2 of 16 Phase 2 pixel electronics meeting CERN - May 2015

3 1. Introduction New chip technology will force to design and develop a complex power supply distribution system for pixel phase II – Huge power / high current demanded by each power channel due to chip technology (250 nm → 65 nm) 16 kW – 9 kW at 1.1V – 15 kA – 8kA 3 of 16 Phase 2 pixel electronics meeting CERN - May 2015

4 1. Introduction Powering pixel phase II is a challenging project – Low mass & noise – Power dissipation aspects – Reliable systems ( high granularity) Design aspects : – On chip power generation – EMC/Grounding – Safety/protection aspects ( HV and LV lines) – Power cabling & services (noise coupling & mass) All these issues should be addressed at the same time – System level analysis 4 of 16 Phase 2 pixel electronics meeting CERN - May 2015

5 There are two different approaches to perform system studies: – Bottom to Top – System level studies at the end of the R&D Theoretical analysis : They can be started Practical studies : It is necessary to wait till some prototype components exists. – 3 or more years of waiting time – Top – Bottom – At the same time than R&D at component level - Preferred option. They can start now. – These studies do not require final components. Component and system studies run in parallel We can gain insight to critical aspects of the system quite early 1. Introduction 5 of 16 Phase 2 pixel electronics meeting CERN - May 2015

6 The project proposal plans to build two flexible prototypes of one /several power groups pixel phase II in order to study the impact of system aspects (topology and granularity ) on: – Noise distribution (cables & electronics) – Grounding topology / configuration – Transient issues (protections) They can be evaluated at the same time – Power, material budget and noise (EMC) issues Table making decision Final goal - To participate in the construction of the power supply system of CMS pixel phase II. – It will be part of Spanish contribution to CMS 2. Spanish R&D for powering 6 of 16 Phase 2 pixel electronics meeting CERN - May 2015

7 Two / Three topologies may be studied: – Based on serial powering (2): In Module / Across Module – Based on hybrid topologies (Serial + DC-DC) Common to serial (70% ) and DC-DC option (30%) Preliminary analysis soon – (Go or no go) We have decided to focused most of our efforts on the study of serial powering topology. – It seems very good option but still too many open questions at system level (pass from 1 A to 4 A or 14A) – Noise studies at system level for DC-DC have been already done during previous years. R&D CMS project focuses on EMC on DC-DC systems – 2009-2013 Several papers & Tracker phase II meeting contributions (2009-2013) 2. Spanish R&D for powering 7 of 16 Phase 2 pixel electronics meeting CERN - May 2015

8 The idea is to analyze / measure several EMC parameters for these configurations : – Conducted noise level At the entrance on each module In the modules Through cables (coupling among bundles) – Radiated noise level Cable level Module level Group level. – Transients - Level & propagation 2. Spanish R&D for powering 8 of 16 Phase 2 pixel electronics meeting CERN - May 2015

9 Theses activities will help a lot to study : – HF grounding Several board designs (different grounding connections) – Which is the best place to ground the system (input or center)? Evaluation of different topologies (in module / on module) from the point of view of noise – Which topology is more robust to noise? Which emits less noise? – Cable bundles – Noise distribution Impact at system level based on real measurement. – It is important for neighboring systems – Transients studies (protections ….) Specially important for serial powering option (levels..) 2. Spanish R&D for powering 9 of 16 Phase 2 pixel electronics meeting CERN - May 2015

10 These prototypes will be based on the preferred proposed topologies defined by CMS pixel power working group. – The layout / voltages will be as similar as possible to the ones defined by the group The more realistic the better conclusions. These power units will be built with: – Set of resistance (emulated electronics power consump.) – Commercial power units. – One or two sensors and FEE from previous experiments or Alibava systems. They will be used to inject noise and to measure noise. 2.1 Spanish R&D for powering: Implementation 10 of 16 Phase 2 pixel electronics meeting CERN - May 2015

11 It will be a set of passive resistance Connected in serial  (in mod /per mod) Several modules can be prepared in order to study grounding options It becomes a resistor One of these passive loads will be substituted by an old FEE & sensor.  It would act as a noise probe, not as a sensor  A very sensitive sensor would be preferred. 2.1 Spanish R&D for powering: Implementation 11 of 16 Phase 2 pixel electronics meeting CERN - May 2015

12 2.2 Spanish R&D for powering: Schedule and Tasks The project is planned in 4 WP: – WP1: Analysis of Hybrid topology – WP2: Design and development of pixel power system: Simulation unit of pixel power unit Design and development of Dummy and active units. Full system integrations (primary PS and cables) – WP3: Noise studies in prototype Noise emissions Noise susceptibility of different grounding configurations Transients – WP4: Noise distribution in cable bundles Noise measurements Cable bundle model based on MTL 12 of 16 Phase 2 pixel electronics meeting CERN - May 2015

13 2.2 Spanish R&D for powering: Schedule and Tasks The schedule is planned as: – WP1: Analysis of Hybrid topology Summer 2015 – WP2: Design and development of pixel power system Summer 2016 – WP3: Noise studies in prototype Summer 2017 / End 2017 – WP4: Noise distribution in cable bundles End 2017 The project development will be very dynamic. – Close work with electronic designers in order to anticipate system problems → improve designs. – We will try to have as many studies as possible in order to give valuable information to be included in the TDR planned for 2017. 13 of 16 Phase 2 pixel electronics meeting CERN - May 2015

14 3. AIDA 2020 – EMC facility A new EU Project has started recently – AIDA2020 ITAINNOVA is one of the partners – Transnational access facility for Electromagnetic Compatibility tests These tests may be used to define in any electronic device installed in HEP experiment: – EM noise emission and immunity level & transients These tests are very good for: – Grounding topologies evaluation – FEE designs (robust designs against EM noise) It can be used to test small components, but mid- scale prototypes can be tested too. 14 of 16 Phase 2 pixel electronics meeting CERN - May 2015

15 3. AIDA 2020 – EMC facility Belle II SVD EMC test - Mid scale prototypes CMS pixel electronics phase II community may use the facility to evaluate designs Expenses are covered by EU 15 of 16 Phase 2 pixel electronics meeting CERN - May 2015

16 Spanish R&D for powering has been presented. It is focused mainly on system aspects of serial powering topology based on: – Real measurements on system prototypes – Power systems simulations Power simulations - Transients & Noise simulations – Cable bundles. The study plans to build flexible system prototypes. – During the analysis, component prototypes can be added Very flexible option – Study other possible options All these studies can be done in three years. – A lot of system information may be obtained when component R&D designs are ready for integration Even for the TDR – planned for 2017 ?? – Exchange of information to get global solution 4. Conclusions 16 of 16 Phase 2 pixel electronics meeting CERN - May 2015

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