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Electrical Activity of the Heart. The Body as a Conductor This is a graphical representation of the geometry and electrical current flow in a model of.

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Presentation on theme: "Electrical Activity of the Heart. The Body as a Conductor This is a graphical representation of the geometry and electrical current flow in a model of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Electrical Activity of the Heart

2 The Body as a Conductor This is a graphical representation of the geometry and electrical current flow in a model of the human thorax. The model was created from MRI images taken of an actual patient. Shown are segments of the body surface, the heart, and lungs. The colored loops represent the flow of electric current through the thorax for a single instant of time, computed from voltages recorded from the surface of the heart during open chest surgery.

3 Electrical Currents This figure illustrates the voltage distribution of a body surface potential map (BSPM) on the right. The torso on the left has been opened to reveal electrical current paths within the torso volume at one instant in time within a heart beat. Here again, red indicates positive voltage, blue indicates negative voltage, and green indicates voltages of approximately zero.

4 Polarized

5 Action Potential ✦ Two micro-electrodes ✦ One outside the cell, one inside the cell ✦ Difference between the two (-90 mV inside) ✦ The cell is said to be ‘polarized’

6 Depolarized


8 Action Potential Skeletal Cardiac

9 Ions IonExtra-Intra- Na14010 K4135 Ca20.1

10 Inside Outside

11 Action Potential ✦ Phase 0 ✦ Stimulation of the myocardial cell ✦ Influx of sodium ✦ The cell becomes depolarize ✦ Inside the cell = +20 mV

12 Action Potential ✦ Phase 1 ✦ Ions ✦ Influx of sodium ✦ Efflux of potassium ✦ Partial repolarization ✦ Phase 2 ✦ Ions ✦ Influx of sodium ✦ Efflux of potassium ✦ Influx of calcium ✦ Plateau

13 Action Potential ✦ Phase 3 ✦ Ions ✦ Influx of sodium ✦ Efflux of potassium* ✦ Influx of calcium ✦ Repolarization (slower process than depolarization) ✦ Phase 4 ✦ Interval between repolarization to the next action potential ✦ Pumps restore ionic concentrations

14 Ion01234 Nainflux pump Kefflux efflux*pump Cainflux pump

15 Action Potential & Mechanical Contraction


17 Action Potential ✦ Fast and slow response ✦ Fast response is more negative ✦ Greater up-slope, amplitude, and overshoot ✦ Slow conduction increases rhythm disturbances



20 Action Potential ✦ ECG records depolarization and repolarization ✦ Atrial depolarization ✦ Ventricular depolarization ✦ Atrial repolarization ✦ Ventricular repolarization

21 ECG Complexes

22 Note: No atrial ST segment or T wave due to low amplitude

23 ECG Complexes


25 ECG Paper ✦ Small boxes = 1 mm ✦ Large boxes = 5 mm ✦ Small boxes = 0.04 seconds ✦ Large boxes = 0.20 seconds ✦ Paper speed = 25 mm / sec

26 ECG Paper

27 ✦ Standardization mark ✦ 10 mm vertical deflection = 1 mVolt

28 ECG Paper Top: Low amplitude complexes in an obese women with hypothyroidism Bottom: High amplitude complexes in a hypertensive man ✦ Standardization marks ✦ Double if ECG is too small ✦ Half is ECG is too large

29 ECG Description ✦ ECG description ✦ amplitude (voltage) ✦ recorded in mm ✦ positive or negative or biphasic ✦ width (duration)

30 ECG Waves ✦ P wave ✦ atrial depolarization ✦ ≤ 2.5 mm in amplitude ✦ < 0.12 sec in width ✦ PR interval (0.12 - 0.20 sec.) ✦ time of stimulus through atria and AV node ✦ prolonged interval = first-degree heart block

31 ECG Waves ✦ QRS ✦ Ventricle depolarization ✦ Q wave: when initial deflection is negative ✦ R wave: first positive deflection ✦ S wave: negative deflection after the R wave

32 ECG Waves ✦ QRS ✦ May contain R wave only ✦ May contain QS wave only ✦ Small waves indicated with small letters (q, r, s) ✦ Repeated waves are indicated as ‘prime’

33 ECG Waves ✦ QRS ✦ width usually 0.12 second or less

34 ECG Waves ✦ RR interval ✦ interval between two consecutive QRS complexes

35 ECG Waves ✦ J point: ✦ end of QRS wave ✦ beginning of ST segment ✦ ST segment ✦ beginning of ventricular repolarization ✦ normally isoelectric (flat) ✦ changes, elevation or depression, may indicate pathological condition

36 ECG Waves

37 ✦ T wave ✦ part of ventricular repolarization ✦ asymmetrical shape ✦ usually not measured ✦ normally upright in lead II

38 ECG Waves ✦ QT interval ✦ from beginning of QRS to the end of the T wave ✦ ventricular repolarization ✦ length varies with heart rate (table 2.1) RR (sec) HR (bpm) QT (sec) 1.00600.43 0.401500.27

39 ECG Waves ✦ Rate Corrected QT Interval ✦ QTc = QT divided by square root of RR ✦ normal is less than or equal to 0.44 sec.

40 ECG Waves ✦ Long QT interval ✦ certain drugs ✦ electrolyte distrubances ✦ hypothermia ✦ ischemia ✦ infarction ✦ subarachnoid hemorrhage ✦ Short QT interval ✦ drugs or hypercalcemia

41 ECG Waves ✦ U Wave ✦ last phase of repolarization ✦ small wave after the T wave ✦ not always seen ✦ significance is not known

42 Heart Rate Calculation ✦ Count boxes (for regular rhythm HR) ✦ Count the number of large boxes between two consecutive QRS complexes. Divide 300 by that number ✦ 300 ÷ 4 = 75 ✦ Count the small boxes. Divide 1500 by that number ✦ 1500 ÷ 20 = 75

43 Heart Rate Calculation 1500 divided by the number of small boxes between two R waves most accurate take time to calculate only use with regular rhythms 1 lg sq = 300 bpm 2 lg sq = 150 bpm 3 lg sq = 100 bpm 4 lg sq = 75bpm 5 lg sq = 60 bpm 6 lg sq = 50 bpm 300 divided by the number of large boxes between two R waves quick not too accurate only use with regular rhythm 10 multiplied by the number of R waves in 6 seconds less precise use with irregular rhythms very quick

44 Heart Rate Calculation R-R interval is two large squares. The rate is 300/2=150

45 Heart Rate Calculation ✦ Count the number of cardiac cycles in 6 seconds and multiple this by 10. (Figure 2.15)

46 Heart Rate Calculation ✦ Count the number of cardiac cycles in 10 seconds and multiple this by 6. Irregular rhythm with 21 R-R intervals in 10 seconds. The rate is 21x6=126.

47 The ECG as a Combination of Atrial and Ventricular Parts ✦ Atrial ECG = P wave ✦ Ventricular ECG = QRS-T waves ✦ Normally, sinus node paces the heart and P wave precedes QRS ✦ P-QRS-T ✦ Sometimes, atria and ventricles paced separately (e.g. complete heart block)

48 ECG in Perspective 1. ECG recording of electrical activity not the mechanical function 2. ECG does not depict abnormalities 3. ECG does not record all the heart’s electrical activity

49 Questions ✦ End of chapter, questions 1-6.

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