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Presentation on theme: "B ALANCING P ROGRAMS BALCHK FINSUMM / FINDET ACTBAL."— Presentation transcript:


2 C OMPUTER B ALANCING Detail should balance with Accounts Checks with Expended totals Receipts with Received totals Open PO’s with Encumbered totals Accounts should balance with each other Budgets, Appropriations, Cash Revenue, Cash


4 BALCHK creates a report to check that amounts of receipts and expenditures are in balance for each “time period” recorded on the account file (ACCT.IDX). It breaks it down line by line by time period (MTD, CTD, FTD and PTD) to ensure the types of accounts (cash, appropriation, budget for expenditures) and (cash, revenue for receipts) are in sync. It will also check to see that encumbrances on the POAMT.IDX file match encumbrances on the account file as well as transfer-out amounts are in balance with transfer-in amounts. BALCHK may be run any time of the month to see if current postings of receipts and expenditures are in balance BALCHK will not run if others are utilizing programs that have the ability to write to the ACCT.IDX or POAMT.IDX files. The error message "%RMS-F-FLK, file currently locked by another user -SYSTEM-W-ACCONFLICT, file access conflict" will be displayed on the screen.



7 BALCHK ERRORS District has errors on the FYTD, MTD YTD transfer amounts in BALCHK…


9 F INSUMM /F INDET FINDET and FINSUMM programs generate a cash journal of all funds (cash accounts). FINDET lists the detailed transaction information. FINSUMM summarizes cash account amounts. The total available cash balances displayed at the end of the FINDET and FINSUMM runs should equal each other. Comparing FINSUMM/FINDET is the best way of checking if expenditure/receipts posted match account totals during the day when other users are running programs.

10 FINSUMM is looking at the ACCT.IDX file. It pulls amounts from the actual receipts and expenditures fields, current fund balances and encumbrances from the cash accounts. F INSUMM Summary/Detail: summary gives subtotals only based on subtotal option entered by user Generates matching FINDET and compares totals on screen (FINDET will be for current month) Includes Future encumbrances in the Current Encumbrances column (and subtracts Future encumbrances from the Unencumbered fund balance column) to display the Remaining fund balance instead Include Accounts with Zero amounts: When selecting to include, it will include accounts for which ALL columns would be zero. Active Accounts Only: When selecting to include only active accounts, the totals do not include amounts related to those inactive accounts. Summary/Detail: summary gives subtotals only based on subtotal option entered by user Generates matching FINDET and compares totals on screen (FINDET will be for current month) Includes Future encumbrances in the Current Encumbrances column (and subtracts Future encumbrances from the Unencumbered fund balance column) to display the Remaining fund balance instead Include Accounts with Zero amounts: When selecting to include, it will include accounts for which ALL columns would be zero. Active Accounts Only: When selecting to include only active accounts, the totals do not include amounts related to those inactive accounts.


12 F INDET Summary/Detail: summary gives subtotals only based on subtotal option entered by user Date range may be left blank. Blank beginning date will prompt for default of Fiscal Year beginning or Current Year beginning date when ending date is filled; Pressing CANCEL at this prompt will give a zero beginning date. These options are only applicable when sorting by FS or FD,FS, subtotaling by FS, date range beginning on the first of a month and no wildcard/range selections except those based only on FUND or SCC. This option can only be run for the current month. Also this option is only applicable when using FS or FD,FS as the first sort/subtotal options Summary/Detail: summary gives subtotals only based on subtotal option entered by user Date range may be left blank. Blank beginning date will prompt for default of Fiscal Year beginning or Current Year beginning date when ending date is filled; Pressing CANCEL at this prompt will give a zero beginning date. These options are only applicable when sorting by FS or FD,FS, subtotaling by FS, date range beginning on the first of a month and no wildcard/range selections except those based only on FUND or SCC. This option can only be run for the current month. Also this option is only applicable when using FS or FD,FS as the first sort/subtotal options FINDET is looking at the transaction files. It pulls expended, received and encumbered amounts from the PO, receipt and check index files.


14 F INDET /F INSUMM E RRORS FINSUMM/FINDET balances disagree… what is each report looking at? FINSUMM is coming from the account. The current fund balance column on the FINSUMM is coming from the “fund balance” field on the account file. FINDET beginning balance for each fund is coming from BALCMON’s prior month ending balance. The amounts are coming from the transaction detail files (POs, Invoice, Checks and Receipts).


16 FTDMTD cash/appropriation/budget/revenue total of the transactions ACTBAL is an account balance program. It checks to make sure the FTD and MTD amounts on each cash/appropriation/budget/revenue account agrees with the total of the transactions on these accounts. Basically, it determines if the amounts recorded on the transaction side equal the amounts posted on the account side for all types of accounts (cash, appropriation, budget and revenue). When ACTBAL is finished processing, it will generate an ACTBAL.TXT file

17 A CTBAL E RROR R EPORT ACTERR.TXT BLDOINQ ACTBAL If the totals aren’t equal, an error report (ACTERR.TXT) is generated listing the particular account(s) that are out of balance. We strongly recommend to ITCs that the BLDOINQ procedure be set up nightly on all of their districts with the parameter to run ACTBAL turned on. By setting up ACTBAL to run nightly, it will detect any discrepancies between the account amounts and their associated transaction detail information. ACTBAL can also be run interactively provided BLDOINQ is run first and no other users are currently using USAS.

18 W HAT C AUSES ACTBAL E RRORS system crash or other error during transaction processing user aborted out of program improperly improper run of nightly ACTBAL district processing during ACTBAL run


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