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Body Art. Types of Body Art TattoosBrandingScarificationPiercingCosmeticsFashion Other body adornments.

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Presentation on theme: "Body Art. Types of Body Art TattoosBrandingScarificationPiercingCosmeticsFashion Other body adornments."— Presentation transcript:

1 Body Art

2 Types of Body Art TattoosBrandingScarificationPiercingCosmeticsFashion Other body adornments

3 Tattoo

4 Branding

5 Scarification

6 Piercing

7 Cosmetics

8 Fashion

9 Adornments

10 History Body art itself has had many purposes. Aesthetics is the one thing every form has in common. However, those forms not originating from aesthetics are originated from cultural ritual or witchcraft. This is especially true for tattoos whose origin is traced back to pagan rituals. aes·thet·ics [es-thet-iks] –noun (used with a singular verb ) 1.the branch of philosophy dealing with such notions as the beautiful, the ugly, the sublime, the comic, etc., as applicable to the fine arts, with a view to establishing the meaning and validity of critical judgments concerning works of art, and the principles underlying or justifying such judgments. 2.the study of the mind and emotions in relation to the sense of beauty.

11 The physical tattoo was believed to have power.


13 Part of this belief holds over to present day.

14 Other primary historical uses of body modifications had to do with slavery and marking criminals.

15 Holocaust


17 Criminals In Australia this tattoo is forcibly given to convicted child molesters. Throughout history, tattooing criminals was common practice. Almost all cultures who took part in the practice marked on the face of the convicted. Usually the forehead.

18 Cultural/Tribal

19 These marking are considered aesthetic in their cultures.

20 Other practices Association Secret society RebellionAdvertising

21 Brief American History William Dampher in 1690’s Sailor 1891, Samuel O'Riely patented the first electric tattooing machine Tattoos became more popular because of new affordability In 1920’s tattoo people began to travel with the circus as “side-show freaks” Began to lose it’s appeal, went underground 1961 outlawed because of hepatitis outbreaks everywhere except for New Jersey and Philadelphia Most did not want a tattoo after this but those who did got them illegally; this was a new way of associating tattoos with illegality, rebellion, the outlaw and criminal behavior.

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