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 Fungi As Decomposers › Fungi Keep ecosystem stocked with inorganic material for plant growth › Without fungi carbon nitrogen and other elements.

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4  Fungi As Decomposers › Fungi Keep ecosystem stocked with inorganic material for plant growth › Without fungi carbon nitrogen and other elements would be tied up in organic matter › metabolize dead organisms and other waste products, making their molecules available to other creatures.  Mutualism › Endophytes -live inside leaves or plants which create toxins that deter herbivores or by increasing host plan tolerance of heat drought, or heavy metals. › Symbiosis- Some fungi share digestive services with animals which help break down plant material in the stomach. › Lichens- is a mass of hyphae that hold individual photosynthetic cells  ????

5  Pathogens › Chestnut blight, pine pinch canker, rye disease › Fungal infections is called mycosis  Ringworm disease  Yeast infections  Molds  Food › Creation of cheeses, colas, yeast, alcohol, bread, mushrooms, truffles

6  Fungi used to stop internal bleeding after childbirth  Antibiotics › Penicillium › Cyclosporine- suppress immune system after organ transplants


8  1000 species  Fast-growing molds






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