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Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism Presentation to Parliament Theme 2 - Employment and Economic Growth 1 November 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism Presentation to Parliament Theme 2 - Employment and Economic Growth 1 November 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism Presentation to Parliament Theme 2 - Employment and Economic Growth 1 November 2004

2 Overview of presentation  DEAT focus areas for MTEF  DEAT priorities linked to Government Programme of Action  Achievements and service targets for the coming year  DEAT Medium Term Expenditure Framework to deliver on objectives

3 DEAT key focus areas for MTEF period  Create conditions for sustainable tourism growth and development  Conservation and sustainable development of our natural resources  Protect and improve the quality and safety of the environment  To promote a global sustainable development agenda  Transformation of the department, our public entities and sectors for which we are responsible (tourism, environment and fishing)

4 Employment and Economic Growth Growing the first economy :  Implementation of Micro-economic Reform Strategy (MERS) and investment in key economic growth and labour-absorptive sectors (Tourism)  Integrated services sector framework (Tourism)  Implementing Growth and Development Summit (GDS) agreements  Infrastructure Development  Unblocking SDI’s (Wild Coast and Lubombo)  BEE (Tourism, fishing, environment and public entities)  Increased investment in research and development (Tourism, SA Weather Services, South African National Biodiversity Institute, Antarctica, SANParks and Greater St Lucia Wetland Park)

5 Employment and Economic Growth Second economy interventions :  BEE (fishing, environment)  Enterprise development in tourism & fishing  Learnership programme through THETA  Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP)  Procurement reform

6 International Relations Peace and Security  Implementation of Johannesburg Plan of Implementation (WSSD follow-up)  NEPAD tourism and environmental programmes  International marketing South Africa  Transfrontier Conservation Areas (TFCAs)  Implementation of multilateral environmental agreements

7 Social Services  Lead the environment and culture sectors in EPWP  Reducing the health-care costs associated with poor air quality in low-income communities  Lubombo SDI malaria programme Governance & Administration  Improving service delivery (e-governance)  Budget reform and IGR (4x4) Justice, Crime, Prevention and Security  Compliance and enforcement programme  Environmental courts  Illegal trade in endangered species, poaching in parks and marine areas  New patrol vessels

8 INTERVENING IN THE SECOND ECONOMY THROUGH ENVIRONMENT, TOURISM AND FISHING SECTORS  Tourism Enterprise Programme(TEP) –Creation of 3,3 million person days of work (16 760 job equivalents)  Tourism SMME development –Business management training - 3500 learners –R4,5 million DBSA contribution – train the trainers and development of training material  Fishing Industry –Mari-culture important for SMME development  Expanded Public Works Programme(EPWP) –Additional funding can generate 11 350 job opportunities and 125 000 training days

9 EXPANDING PUBLIC SECTOR INVESTMENT THROUGH INFRASTRUCTURE  Air Quality Management System –Establish on-line, real time national air quality monitoring system in 16 hotspot areas over 5 year period as basis for improvement in air quality.  SA Agulhas –Notification by Lloyds of London that once she reaches the age of 30 years (by 2006) no clearance for operating in ice will be granted.  Tourism road signage and information centers nationally –Global Competitiveness Study identified lack of information provision to tourism as major gaps – problematic for 2010 –Development of high potential and high priority tourism routes nationally, linked to information centres etc

10 EXPANDING PUBLIC SECTOR INVESTMENT THROUGH INFRASTRUCTURE  Spatial Development Initiatives (SDIs) –Phase 2 of Lubombo R1,5 billion worth of concessions to be awarded  SANParks road subsidy –Increased park system demands an increase in the road subsidy  Marion Base –Logistical support funding needed to finalize the project

11 BUILDING OPERATIONAL CAPACITY AROUND SELF-FINANCING FUNCTIONS  An Institutional review was done to align resource requirements with constitutional and legal mandates  Revenue generating potential is explored for following: –Administration fee for EIA and landfill permits –Waste management revenue streams –CITES and biodiversity related permits –Tourism : bed levies, grading council revenues etc  DEAT contribution to Public Entities budget was 58,6% in 2003/04 and decreased to 48,9% in 2004/05

12 GROWING FIRST ECONOMY THROUGH TOURISM MARKETING AND PROMOTION  Target for arrival figures for 2010 World Cup is 10 million. Current figures around 6 million.  International marketing studies already identified the potential market segments across the globe and required activities to unlock this growth potential.

13 OPTION 4: GROWING FIRST ECONOMY THROUGH TOURISM MARKETING AND PROMOTION 20032004 Target2005 Target Africa & Middle East4 485 8964 479 4424 580 618 Americas262 496278 987286 243 Asia & Australasia265 628274 830298 222 Europe1 319 1721 391 3451 436 277 Unspecified172 530189 468200 000 Total6 504 8906 614 0736 801 360 Tourism Arrival Information

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