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Before we start … While we wait …  Please write on the board: all the language(s) you know…  Please do so even if it is only English.

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Presentation on theme: "Before we start … While we wait …  Please write on the board: all the language(s) you know…  Please do so even if it is only English."— Presentation transcript:

1 Before we start … While we wait …  Please write on the board: all the language(s) you know…  Please do so even if it is only English


3 Nathalie F. Martin Tel number : 858-8970 ext. 147 (office) Office:  MH 168 B (part time office – across pedway)  Website: Introductions …

4 Outline of Today’s Class Today: Introductions What is linguistics? Presentation of syllabus General introduction Student profile Today’s objective: Present LI2013 and the topics that will be discussed in order to help you better chose your courses.

5 ICE BREAKER Write on sheet of paper: Name Known languages Describe yourself : What is the NOUN that best describes you? What is the ADJECTIVE that best describes you? What is the VERB that best describes you? Challenge: What is the ADVERB that best describes you?

6 What is LINGUISTICS ? What does someone need to know to understand this statement?  Can I borrow the car and your sunglasses?  Your sunglasses?  May I borrow the borogroves and your neowave sunglasses?  May I borrow the flits?

7 Presentation of Syllabus Course description Course objectives Course textbook* Course evaluation* Tentative schedule*

8 COMPUTERS ARE ALLOWED As long as you don’t use them to turn off your brain or your ears

9 Linguitics Web Site


11 Introduction to Linguistics

12 Applied Linguistics Theoretical Linguistics: Phonetic Phonology Morphology Syntax Lexicology Semantic Socio linguistic Dialectology Ethno linguistic Language policies and planning Psycho linguistic Neuro linguistic Etc.

13 “What s‘it to me?” B RANCHES AND FIELDS OF LINGUISTICS : Language acquisition Psycholingusitics Sociolinguistics  Differences between social classes, gender, age Language preservation Teaching Translation LEXICOGRAPHER: DICTIONARIES FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHER TRANSLATOR MISSIONARY SPEECH THERAPIST ACTOR

14 Student Profile Name: Field of study: Hometown: Languages:  understood, spoken & written  L1 & L2  Parent’s L1 Why are you taking this course? What are your expectations for this course? What other linguistic or language courses have you taken? Other comments or questions?

15 Can animals talk? (3:30 min)

16 COMING UP … What we will see next class:  Animal Communication & Language Reading assignment:  Chapter 1: Introduction: The Nature of Communication Homework: for next week  Make an appointment with me / meet me at my office Homework: due September 22 th  Short essay: Can we say that animals have LINGUISTIC ABILITIES? (due September 22 th )

17 H AVE A NICE DAY ! God bless you! “Now to him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you blameless before the presence of his glory with great joy, to the only God, our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen.” (Jude 1:24-25 )

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