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Adventure travel If time and money are permitted, where would you like most to visit? I would like to…

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2 Adventure travel

3 If time and money are permitted, where would you like most to visit? I would like to…

4 1.a. Do you know about adventure travel? b. What do you think adventure travel is? Exciting,frightening and dangerous…… 2. Can you think of some sorts of adventure travels or adventure sports?

5 diving climbing sailing

6 Bungee jumping rafting

7 How many kinds of adventure travel are talked about in the text? Two kinds: Hiking and Rafting

8 Look at the two pictures and describe each of them with one sentence: –Hiking is a way to travel close to nature on foot. –Rafting is a kind of adventure travel along a stream or river by boat/ in small boats.

9 Why do people travel? see other countries visit places that are famous,interesting meet new friends try new kinds of food experience life in other parts of the world get away from cold weather look for an unusual experience

10 Hiking 徒步旅行

11 What do we need while hiking?

12 tent sleeping bag backpack map compass cellphone hat clothes water sunglasses good shoes

13 You can hike in mountains. You can hike along a river.  Instead of  On a bus /in a hotel/ on the beach  Get close to  Take exercise

14 You can hike in a forest You can hike in the city. 1. Hiking is easy to do and …. 2.Hiking is fun and exciting go for a hike

15 Don’t hike alone. Tell someone where you are going. Bring water and a good map. Watch out for danger, such as spiders, snakes or poisonous plants. Wear a hat to protect yourself from the sun. Bring a cellphone if you have one. some basic tips for successful hiking

16 rafting 漂流

17 thrills excitement

18 Read this paragraph and answer the questions : 1.What is rafting? Rafting is a kind of adventure travel along a stream or river by boat/ in small boats. 2.What is the basic equipment you need for rafting? rafting? a raft, paddles,good clothes, life jacket, 3.Where is rafting done? Down a stream or a river or whitewater.

19  A good way to experience nature  Fallen trees or rocks  Whitewater rafting 乘木筏玩急流  The name “whitewater”comes from the fact that the water in these streams and rivers looks white when it moves quickly.

20 4. What possible dangers will you meet while rafting ? Hitting rocks and fallen trees, falling into water even losing one’s life. whitewater

21 5. What skills do you have to learn before you want to go rafting ? Basic safety rules and skills; How to haddle the raft; How to paddle; How to get in and out of raft; How to swim.

22 Structure analysis Raising a problem adventure travel Reasons for travel Two popular activities Giving advice Giving examples Hiking Rafting Safety first

23 Text consolidation Listen to the tape of the text and fill in the blanks in the post-reading 2.

24 Hiking and rafting Similarities (1) adventure travel (2) fun and exciting (3) dangerous (4) take place outside

25 Comparison of hiking and rafting HikingRafting DIFFERENCESDIFFERENCES Places Equipment Cost Skills needed Possible dangers in the mountains, in a forest, along a river, in a city, etc. on rivers and streams boat, paddle, good clothes, life jacket inexpensive somewhat expensive good walking skills good rafting and swimming skills getting lost, sunburn, poisonous animals or plants, hunger and thirst hitting rocks, trees, falling into water good shoes, clothes, backpack, map, water, sunscreen, cell phone, hat, etc.

26 张家界国家森林公园是 1982 年国务院 委托国家计委批准成立的我国第一个国 家森林公园. 公园以独特的石英砂峰林地貌著称,集 “ 雄、奇、幽、野、秀 ” 为一体,是 “ 缩小 的仙境,扩大的盆景 ” 。 公园已开辟黄石寨、金鞭溪、鹞子寨、 袁家界等精品游览线, 130 多处精华景 点。有 “ 天然植物园 ” 、 “ 动物王国 ” 之称。黄石寨、金鞭溪鹞子寨、 袁家界

27 张家界国家森林公园, 春天山花烂漫, 花香扑鼻;夏天凉风习习,最宜避暑; 秋日红叶遍山,山果挂枝;冬天银装 素裹,满山雪白。 三千奇峰,八百秀水,演绎出张家界 国家森林公园的传奇,展示着自然之 美。

28 金鞭溪大峡谷 黄石寨景区

29 袁家界景区鹞子寨景区

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