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From the Classroom to the World: Designing a Course for Student Activism Worldwide.

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Presentation on theme: "From the Classroom to the World: Designing a Course for Student Activism Worldwide."— Presentation transcript:

1 From the Classroom to the World: Designing a Course for Student Activism Worldwide

2 The Syllabus

3 Summer Work

4 Knowledge Tree

5 Digital Stories encourage thoughtful and emotionally direct writing build a community through work model productive, creative use of technology

6 Mi Gente Ashley Valle

7 My War Theo May

8 Using Texts: How do the texts contribute to the Story of the Course?

9 Ashley Defines “community” A community is defined by its common thread. It is a multitude of peoples that share a common factor, such as, being a minority, belonging to a certain economic status, or simply sharing an interest in a new technology. This is natural since we need a way to group people into manageable clusters. Throughout my blogging, lines like “farming community”, “Hispanic community”, “intellectual community” are everywhere. We define ourselves and others by a commonality. If social revolution was possible for the African American community, what is holding back the progress of our working poor? What is in store for our future in the United States, is social stratification going to keep on progressing?

10 Theo Defines “community” Community is Dead: What Are You Going to Do about It? Back in the early days of our First Year Seminar, I looked on, struggling to find the definition for community that suited me. I finally came upon one that I deemed acceptable, "a unified body of individuals." I had rejected several definitions that seemed too specific, but this one seemed universal enough to be appropriate.

11 The Final Project Bring theory into practice Designed as a journey--no endings Professional approach The community itself should assess the work: public display, online and f2f

12 Working Poor

13 The Argentina Project



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