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PreAP Warm-up Questions  What is the most accurate sequence of events describing the development of Mesopotamia? Job specialization, planting crops,

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2 PreAP Warm-up Questions  What is the most accurate sequence of events describing the development of Mesopotamia? Job specialization, planting crops, people made laws Population grew, planting crops, building canals Division of labor, villages and cities formed, laws passed  What was the leading factor influencing the development of a civilization in Mesopotamia?


4 Mesopotamia & the Fertile Crescent Geography of the Fertile Crescent Ancient Civilizations Mr. Hollingsworth World History Fooled you!

5 Alabama Course of Study AAnalyze characteristics of early civilizations in respect to technology, division of labor, government, calendar, and writings. Comparing significant features of civilizations that developed in the Tigris-Euphrates valleys. Identifying on a map locations of cultural hearths of early civilizations.

6 Today’s Learning Targets II can define the vocabulary terms specific to this region and time. II can locate major physical features of Mesopotamia on a map. II can identify the resources needed for a civilization to develop. II can rank the resources available to ancient Sumer by order of importance.

7 PreAP Warm-up Questions  What is the most accurate sequence of events describing the development of Mesopotamia? A. Job specialization, planting crops, people made laws B. Population grew, planting crops, building canals C. Division of labor, villages and cities formed, laws passed Answer C

8 PreAP Warm-up Questions  What was the leading factor influencing the development of a civilization in Mesopotamia? Fertile soil and fresh water

9 Warm-up Questions  What is the most accurate sequence of events describing the development of Mesopotamia? A. Job specialization, planting crops, people made laws B. Population grew, planting crops, building canals C. Division of labor, villages and cities formed, laws passed Answer C

10 Warm-up Questions  What did the Sumerians do to get water to their crops? They built an irrigation system.

11 Reading Check Questions  What made civilization possible in Mesopotamia? The Tigris and Euphrates flooding left a fertile layer of soil for crops, which provided food for early settlements.  Why did the Mesopotamians create irrigation systems? To control the flow of the river and to have a steady supply of water for crops and animals.

12 Key Terms Review  More than needed. surplus  Human-made waterways. canals

13 Key Terms Review  A way of supplying water to an area of land irrigation  When each worker specializes in a particular task or job. Division of labor

14 Key Terms Review  A large arc of rich, or fertile farmland Fertile Crescent  A mixture of rich soil and tiny rocks silt

15 Elements of Civilization  What are the 5 elements of a civilization? language religion system of writing government art & architecture

16 Civilization’s Growth  What are the steps that a society goes through as it becomes a civilization? Farming creates a sedentary lifestyle. Food becomes easier to produce. Population grows. Job specialization occurs. Excess food leads to trade. Government becomes more complex. Social Stratification hardens.

17 Rapid Fire  You will need to follow along in your book to find the word(s) that are missing from each of the following statements. Get all blanks correct and your team earns 10 points per blank.

18 Land Between the Rivers  ___ and ___ are the most important features of the area known as ___, which means “between the rivers.” Tigris / Euphrates / Mesopotamia  The area stretching from the ___ ___ to Asia Minor is called the ___ ___. Persian Gulf / Fertile Crescent

19 The Rise of Civilization  ___-___ settled in Mesopotamia more than 12,000 years ago. The rivers brought ___ which created good farmland. Hunter-gatherers / silt  Abundant ___ lead to the growth of the ___. food / population

20 Farming & Cities  The ___ and ___ were dangerous and unpredictable. The people knew they needed to ___ the rivers. Tigris / Euphrates / control

21 Controlling Water  Mesopotamians developed ___ techniques to supply water to the land and ___ the rivers. irrigation / control  They dug ___ to bring water from the basins to the ___ around the fields. canals / ditches

22 Food Surpluses  The irrigation increased food production and led to a ___. Mesopotamians enjoyed a variety of ___ like fish, meat, and dates. surpluses / food  With the surpluses, not everyone had to ___ and a ___ of ___ developed. farm / division / labor

23 Food Surpluses  This labor force in turn led to large ___ and a need for ___ to run the projects. projects / managers  As a result, ___ formed and ___ were created to give structure to the society. government / laws

24 Appearance of Cities  By circa 3000 B.C. ___ developed. cities  The ___ society was still based upon ___. The cities became the political, ___, ___, and ___ ___ of the civilization. Mesopotamian / agriculture / religious / cultural / economic centers


26 Today’s Learning Targets II can define the vocabulary terms specific to this region and time. II can locate major physical features of Mesopotamia on a map. II can identify the resources needed for a civilization to develop. II can rank the resources available to ancient Sumer by order of importance.

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