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Object Oriented Programming Dr. Ennis-Cole CECS 5100.

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2 Object Oriented Programming Dr. Ennis-Cole CECS 5100

3 Object Oriented Programming Member Variables: 1.) Have Names 2.) Belong to Categories 3.) Are an implementation of a type of data

4 Object Oriented Programming Object Oriented Programming Member Variables: Names - m_TestEdit Categories - Value, Control Variable types - Cstring, Bool, Ccalendar, int, double, float

5 OOP - Visual C++ Check Boxes: Visible & Enable Control the Edit Box and the appearance of text inside it.

6 OOP - Visual C++ Exit Button’s Design - makes it “standout,” draws the user’s attention to the bottom of the screen, uses a new property - the modal frame

7 OOP Visual C++

8 OOP - Visual C++ Numbers - +, Category: (Value, Control) Type of Data 32.41 -64.0 12 -2 6 17 -5 -8 10 -50.2 25.67 -80 11 13.82

9 Test of Equivalency m_VisibleCheck = TRUE; m_TestEdit = “This is a test !”’ if (m_EnabledCheck == TRUE) GetDlgItem (IDC_TEST_EDIT) …;

10 Member Variables b m_ b Saves data that the program manipulates, tests, or stores b What data was stored, manipulated or tested in the Day 2 exercise ?

11 IF-Then-Else b Conditional b Two Possible Paths b Used within Loop Structures b P. 80 b Based Comparison Results (T/F)

12 Changing CASE CString UpperValue; UpperValue = m_TestEdit; UpperValue.MakeUpper( ); Variable Declaration, Assignment Statement, Function/Procedural Call to MakeUpper ( );

13 Active X Controls b Files with an.OCX extension b A Control added to the Control Tool Bar b Available from a third party vendor b Comparable to a “Plug in” added to a program b Usually in the c:\Windows\System directory

14 Active X Controls Active X Controls b Procedure for Use: Register the ControlRegister the Control Add the Control from the Components and Controls SubmenuAdd the Control from the Components and Controls Submenu b Placing a Active X Control within a dialog box makes it visible to an end-user

15 Active X Controls b Implement: Multimedia ProgramsMultimedia Programs Database ApplicationsDatabase Applications MIDI ApplicationsMIDI Applications Animation ProgramsAnimation Programs b Extend the range of a VC++ Program

16 The End The End b “That’s all folks.”

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