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Photochemistry can be dramatically different from “ordinary” chemistry See example below.

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Presentation on theme: "Photochemistry can be dramatically different from “ordinary” chemistry See example below."— Presentation transcript:

1 Photochemistry can be dramatically different from “ordinary” chemistry See example below

2 Ar Cl

3 Ar Cl...

4 Ar

5 Cl Ar + -

6 Cl Ar

7 O3 O3O3 Cl Hvernig er efnafræði ósoneyðingar- innar?/ Ozon depletion?


9 ( ) 20 km ( )

10 Heildarloftstyrkur og ósonstyrkur yfir jörðu. / Concentration profiles for air and ozone in the Earth´s atmosphere.

11 20 km

12 Gleypni ósons á nær-útfjólubláa litrófssviðinu. Gleypnistuðull er í réttu hlutfalli við gleypni efnisins fyrir fastann efnisstyrk. Absorption cross section of ozone in the near UV spectral region.

13 20 km

14 20 km O 3 + O -> O 2 +O 2

15 Chemistry and spectroscopy of the greenhouse effect/ Global warming effects(?)




19 Gegnskin og gleypni andrúmsloftsins ÚF SÝNSÝN....................................IR...............................

20 Bylgjulengd (  m) Gleypni O=C=OO=C=O




24 UltravioletVisibleNear-IRInfraredFar-InfraredMicrowave

25 Organic photochemistry: photoisomerization

26 Stilben e(1)

27 Stilbene(2)

28 Astrochemistry

29 C2H2C2H2 Big organic molecules : Life(?) ???

30 C2H2C2H2 Big organic molecules : Life(?) ???

31 C2H2C2H2 Big organic molecules : Life(?) ??? C2C2 C CH 2

32 H+H+ CH + CH 2 + C+C+ C2+C2+ C2H+C2H+ C2H2+C2H2+ Magn jóna Ion yield LASER radiation of C 2 H 2 Mw Time of flight

33 Orka HCCH: HCCH*:

34 Orka C2C2 H2H2 HCCH*: C2C2 + +

35 Orka HCCH*:

36 Orka HCCH*: CH 2 C

37 A + M ??? M 1 + M 2 ??? A + B C + D Reaction cross section:

38 A + M ??? M 1 + M 2 ??? A + B C + D Cross section =  = 2  d But ions: Reaction cross section:

39 A + + B C + D But ions: ++ - - - - + + + + F  1/r 2 Reaction cross section:

40 + A + + B C + D But Ions: + - - - - + + + + Reaction cross section:

41 A + + B C + D But ions: ++ Collision frequency much larger Reaction cross section:

42 A + M ??? M 1 + M 2 ??? A + B C + D d + Ions: Collision cross section =  >> 2  Reaction cross section:

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