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1 Strengthening Synergies Communications Section and the SROs Communications Section – PIKMD For discussion at SRO Retreat, 25 th June, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Strengthening Synergies Communications Section and the SROs Communications Section – PIKMD For discussion at SRO Retreat, 25 th June, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Strengthening Synergies Communications Section and the SROs Communications Section – PIKMD For discussion at SRO Retreat, 25 th June, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

2 2 Outline  Main areas of current collaboration / synergies  Proposed areas of strengthening

3 3 A. Main areas of current collaboration and synergies Servicing of meetings:  Inaugural Land Policy Conference (EA, WA); CoM 2015 (SRO-EA, SRO-WA, SRO-SA, SRO-NA, SRO-WA); Mining Ministerial conference in Maputo (SRO-SA); CVRS conference in Yammousoukrou; upcoming Climate Talks (planning underway)  Non-SRO events (divisions) eg MPD/Global Development Conf in Casablanca (SRO-NA); Statistics Forum in Yamassoukrou (SRO-WA); Statistics Forum in Botswana SRO-SA + ASDI launches, ERA dissemination launches (non SRO organized)

4 4 Cont’d: Main areas of current collaboration and synergies Website Redevelopment & Management:  SRO Comms officers trained in use of CMS through video tutorials, phone, email and eventually face to face at final stages of completion of redevelopment.  All SROs currently managing their subsites, with a measure of oversight from HQ.

5 5 Cont’d: Main areas of current collaboration and synergies Social Media:  SRO-EA and SRO-WA have established their own social media presence with links to HQ Social Media platforms through retweets, cross-sharing and some translation as is necessary.

6 6 Cont’d: Main areas of current collaboration and synergies ECA wide Media database:  All the SROs contributed to the current ECA wide database of media and continue to recommend updates Media monitoring (Meltwater platform)  All the SRO have participated in the Meltwater training platform. Training is only available in English at the moment.

7 7 Cont’d: Main areas of current collaboration and synergies Distribution of key ECA publications during meetings  All the SROs have received key publications (Ebola report and ERA) to further their work and distribution to the media.

8 8 B. Areas of strengthening - key priorities  Media partnerships and marketing of key SRO events and knowledge products: 10% pool of funding across divisions to benefit ICE and promotion of country profiles; Tap into the current and proposed media partnerships, as well as establish their own regional specific ones.  Media relations services: ECA to procure its own webcasting equipment and/or establish service agreement for ICEs & other HQ events;  Poken conference services to benefit all key SRO events in addition to ADF and CoM.

9 9 Cont’d: Areas of strengthening - key priorities  ICE Visibility and marketing – Integrate standard services, such as webcasting/livestreaming; multimedia production; advertorials in niche media  Branding - Invest in branding ICE’s and include promotional items as standard feature.  Value-added tools for Country Profiles- R epackage in the form of multimedia offshoots or mobile applications. Procure App development services  Joint procurement: As an example, SRO-SA has a more diverse market for purchase of high quality and visually creative products to promote the ECA.

10 10 Cont’d: Areas of strengthening - key priorities Training (Communications, Marketing, Web; Multimedia, Social media etc):  Refresher skills, job-shadowing and advanced training required;  Webteam requires advanced training in order to support emerging SRO needs and continuous web redevelopment  Re-profiling proposal by the Fulbright fellow in addition to the media monitoring and analysis training underway.

11 11 Cont’d: Areas of strengthening - key priorities Operating on shared platforms:  ITUSS to assist with the establishment of a shared platform for access to and management of the ECA-wide media database;  Where telecom arrangements allow, the system could help with distribution of media advisories, stories and press releases as per contemporary, standard media agency functions

12 12 Cont’d: Areas of strengthening - key priorities Other issues for consideration:  Management of the ECA-wide Newsletter: To cement the idea of One ECA, SROs could manage, with rotating responsibility, the ECA-wide Newsletter. It would enhance collaboration and understanding of what is going at the ECA as a whole. Current SRO specific newsletters should continue.

13 13 Cont’d: Areas of strengthening - key priorities Other issues for consideration:  Management of the ECA-wide Newsletter: This should be a shared activity, with rotating responsibility to enhance collaboration and understanding of what is going at the ECA as a whole.

14 14 Thank you! Website: Twitter: @ECA_Official Facebook: Youtube: Flickr:

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