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The Second New Deal The movement left “Government has the definite duty to use all its power and resources to meet social problems with new social controls.”

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Presentation on theme: "The Second New Deal The movement left “Government has the definite duty to use all its power and resources to meet social problems with new social controls.”"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Second New Deal The movement left “Government has the definite duty to use all its power and resources to meet social problems with new social controls.” FDR 1938

2 I. Labor A. Wagner-Connery Act [Wagner Act] 1. Union organization 2. National Labor Relations Board B. Labor Split 1. AFL 2. United Mine Workers 3. CIO a. Auto industry Model T Ford

3 II. Broader Relief A. Works Progress Administration [W.P.A.] 1. Replaced FERA 2. Higher wages 3. less massive projects B. Results C. Electric Power 1. Tennessee Valley Authority [TVA] 2. Bonneville and Grand Conlee dams

4 TVA Power Project

5 III. Social Security A. Purpose 1. permanent relief of problems of old age, disability, and unemployment B. Benefits 1. dollar matching to states 2. unemployment insurance 3. old age pensions 4. temp defeat of medical insurance

6 IV. Election of 1936 A. Candidates 1. Dems-FDR (Garner VP) 2. Reps- Gov. Alfred M. Landon (Kansas) 3. Socialists-Norman Thomas 4. Communists-Earl Browder 5. Union Party- William Lemke 6. Results

7 V. The Court Fight A. Reasons 1. Conservative Court 2. FDR attempts to “convert” Court B. FDR’s Plan 1. Court Packing? C. Results 1. FDR failed to carry Congress 2. Resignations 3. more liberal view of New Deal


9 VI. Recession of 1937 A. Causes and Nature B. Results 1. Trust Busting

10 VII. Final New Deal Legislation A. National Housing Act of 1937 B. Farm Security Act of 1937 C. New AAA of 1938 D. Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938

11 How FDR’S opponents saw the New Deal

12 VIII. Results of the New Deal A. Failures 1. Unemployment 2. Increase in National Debt 3. Fundamental Revisions B. Successes 1. Relief-probably saved capitalist system 2. Correction of Social Evils 3. Benefited farmers, labor, banks and businesses C. Lasting Effect 1. All major legislation now accepted 2. Power of executive branch expanded 3. dominant role of federal government accepted even by critics

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