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Time and Attendance Software A Software Application to Replace the Current Paper Based, Manual Process Personal and Academic Success for All!

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Presentation on theme: "Time and Attendance Software A Software Application to Replace the Current Paper Based, Manual Process Personal and Academic Success for All!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Time and Attendance Software A Software Application to Replace the Current Paper Based, Manual Process Personal and Academic Success for All!





6 Additional Considerations Other Than Paperwork Reduction Fair Labor Standards documentation Control of processes and “gate keeping” Standardization of process for all staff Efficiency and ease of use for all staff Enhanced timeliness of data processing Cost control Reduction in error rate Real time error identification and correction

7 Process – Where We Are, What’s Next Where Are We? RFP Released: March 30, 2012 Review of 7 proposals by Technical Committee: April 23-27, 2012 WebEx presentations, 4 finalists: May 11, 2012 and May 14, 2012 On-Site Presentations, 3 finalists: May 30-31, 2012 What’s Next? Board approve use of funds: up to $200,000 year end/fund balance Negotiate with winning vendor and award bid: June 20, 2012 Begin Implementation: July 1, 2012

8 Other Considerations Manage Expectations –There will be many bumps in the road –Very complex rules must be established –The need for exceptions is expected –Expect the unexpected Train, train some more, be ready Top level support – champions Communicate

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