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We lobby in support of a revenue neutral price on carbon, our Carbon Fee and Dividend legislation. Building political will through respectful interactions.

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Presentation on theme: "We lobby in support of a revenue neutral price on carbon, our Carbon Fee and Dividend legislation. Building political will through respectful interactions."— Presentation transcript:


2 We lobby in support of a revenue neutral price on carbon, our Carbon Fee and Dividend legislation. Building political will through respectful interactions with elected officials, civic groups and the public.

3 Marshall Saunders, Coronado CA, founder. 2006 concerned about environment - hopelessness of ordinary people to change it. By 2010 CCL had 106 meetings with members of Congress. In 2014 CCL had 1,086 meetings with members of Congress. Thought to be more than any other group. Hundreds of Chapters in the US, thousands of volunteer lobbyist.

4 CCL’s legislative proposal would set an initial fee on carbon at $15 per ton of CO2 at the source.CCL’s legislative proposal The fee would increase by $10 each year until the CO2 emissions were reduced to 10% of the 1990 US levels. To protect American businesses and agriculture, adjustments at the borders would ensure fairness. The carbon fees would be rebated 100% to American households. Each adult would receive a dividend and each child half a dividend up to a limit of two children per household.

5 CF&D makes sense even if it did nothing to improve the environment CO2 emissions decline 33% after 10 yrs, 52% after 20 Lives saved - 13,000 yearly, 227,000 in 20 years 2.1 million more jobs after 10 yrs, 2.8 million after 20 Monthly dividend, family of 4, yr 1= $30, yr 10 = $300 2/3 of families will break even or make money on CF&D

6 Carbon Fee and Dividend: Lets consumers use their dividend to choose which fuels and products succeed. Revenue neutral. Comprehensive - everyone is in. Protects industry, agriculture. Stimulates growth.


8 U.S. CO2 emissions and Carbon Fee and Dividend. Blue - without a price on carbon Yellow - with price on carbon

9 Thousands of additional jobs created by Carbon Fee and Dividend than if we do nothing.

10 Cumulative lives saved by avoiding emissions if Carbon Fee and Dividend is passed.

11 Annual additional GDP due to Carbon Fee and Dividend

12 Cost of living increase due to CF&D for different areas of the country

13 Average monthly dividend for a family of four. Carbon Fee and Dividend

14 Lets clear up something Of the methods government can use to reduce CO2, Carbon Fee and Dividend is the best. Carbon Fee and Dividend - protects the vulnerable and industry, is fair, works on every sector, cuts pollution fastest Cap and Trade - subject to market manipulation & exemptions, does not have a border adjustment, does not protect the public from energy price increase. It works, but slowly. Government Regulations - unpopular, subject to legal contests, works on specific items. Carbon Tax – taxes are not popular.

15 Who’s a tree hugger now? Bank of America Citi Goldman Sachs JPMorgan Chase Morgan Stanley Wells Fargo Cargill General Mills, Inc New Belgium Brewing Nestlé USA Kellogg Company Mars, Inc Unilever Danone Dairy

16 Helping citizens participate in government. Working for a livable planet.

17 I’m in goodcompany in CCL National Chapter: and-dividend/ Wichita Chapter at: Join us! Together we can build the political will for a livable planet.

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