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Yummy Tasty Scrumptious A better way to organise your bookmarks.

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Presentation on theme: "Yummy Tasty Scrumptious A better way to organise your bookmarks."— Presentation transcript:


2 Yummy


4 Tasty


6 Scrumptious


8 A better way to organise your bookmarks

9 An Introduction to Social Bookmarking

10 Social Bookmarking Bookmarks are not stored on your computer Bookmarks are stored on the internet –Accessible anywhere you have internet access (school, home, internet café at your favourite holiday destination) –If your computer dies, grows legs or is left out in the rain, you haven’t lost all those great sites

11 Social Bookmarking As the bookmarks are now stored on the internet, they can now be shared with others (the social aspect) –Colleagues –Friends –Relatives,and –People you don’t know Just give them your address You can benefit also by looking at other people’s address

12 Organising the Bookmarks The bookmarks are organised using “tags” Tags are keywords you create to categorise a website You can use as many tags for a website as you like - just don’t have spaces in them You find your websites by searching through your “tag cloud”

13 A Tag Cloud

14 Suitable Tags What would be some good tags to use?? –KLA’s / Strands –Stage Level / Year Level –Thematic words –Others?? Should we now quickly brainstorm some tags we will use?

15 OHPS Tag System

16 How to…bookmark a site Easiest way is to install and use the buttons. Do it now…Do it now…

17 How to…bookmark a site Highlight some sort of descriptive text from the website and copy it. You can also just type your own descriptive text Click on the “TAG” button

18 How to…bookmark a site Fill in the blanks

19 Finding a bookmark Click on the “Your Favourites” button Click on an appropriate tag from your “tag cloud” to find what you are after

20 A Tag Cloud

21 Finding other bookmarks Go to Type a tag word in the grey-outlined box Enjoy looking through the results

22 Getting a network When you come across people who have similar interests to you, you can add them to your network. Can also view that person’s network.

23 Let’s Start Get your sheet of paper which has the websites you like written on it (you do have it don’t you???) Get your new classroom poster and hang it up near your SmartBoard today. 3-6 will go with Annie - use the OHPS Tag System we brainstormed earlier to start adding sites. K-2 will come with me to do the same. Explore these bookmarked sites at your own leisure.

24 I can’t wait, let me at it… Username: ohps Password: ********

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