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CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES 3.11.1 (AMENDED PARA) Director (Transmission ), KPTCL stated that on account of DC current entering the neutrals of various transformers.

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Presentation on theme: "CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES 3.11.1 (AMENDED PARA) Director (Transmission ), KPTCL stated that on account of DC current entering the neutrals of various transformers."— Presentation transcript:

1 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES 3.11.1 (AMENDED PARA) Director (Transmission ), KPTCL stated that on account of DC current entering the neutrals of various transformers in their system, vibrations were being experienced when ever the power flow exceeded 150 MW (agreed to change from 150 AMP to 150 MW) in ground return mode on TALCHER – KOLAR HVDC line. POEWRGRID was requested to take suitable remedial steps for which it was mentioned that POWERGRID would examine the need and explore the possibility of establishing another earthling station. TCC requested POWERGRID to take appropriate steps to ensure safe transfer of rated power in ground return mode.

2 2.0 GRID OPERATION On the specific issue raised by NLC in regard to increase in frequency during 18:00 Hrs AGM SRLDC made a brief presentation stating the specific causes for the same and following specific measures were suggested. On the specific issue raised by NLC in regard to increase in frequency during 18:00 Hrs AGM SRLDC made a brief presentation stating the specific causes for the same and following specific measures were suggested. STAGGERING OF LOADS STAGGERING OF LOADS BACKING OF GENERATING STATIONS @ FREQUENCY ABOVE 50.1 Hz BACKING OF GENERATING STATIONS @ FREQUENCY ABOVE 50.1 Hz FREE GOVERNOR MODE OF OPERATOION FREE GOVERNOR MODE OF OPERATOION On the question of over voltage in the grid it was mentioned that such high voltages are observed during off peak night hours while during other periods the voltages are in normal range. Further, due to improvement in over all voltages there has been a substantial reduction in system losses. On the question of over voltage in the grid it was mentioned that such high voltages are observed during off peak night hours while during other periods the voltages are in normal range. Further, due to improvement in over all voltages there has been a substantial reduction in system losses.

3 4.0 TRANSFER OF ASSETS OF SIRSI – GUTTUR 400 kV D/C LINE TCC advised KPTCL to make presentation of alternate proposals regarding lease transfer/premature settlement of lease and transfer of ownership to POWERGRID. TCC advised KPTCL to make presentation of alternate proposals regarding lease transfer/premature settlement of lease and transfer of ownership to POWERGRID.

4 9.2 400 kV Madurai – Trivandrum Line POWERGRID stated that construction of 400 kV Madurai –Trivandrum line is complete except for 450 Mts portion in TamilNadu reserve forest. Matter is being pursued with PCCF of Tamilnadu for approval of Tamilnadu Govt to file petition in Supreme court for lifting ban on tree cutting and route the line. POWERGRID stated that construction of 400 kV Madurai –Trivandrum line is complete except for 450 Mts portion in TamilNadu reserve forest. Matter is being pursued with PCCF of Tamilnadu for approval of Tamilnadu Govt to file petition in Supreme court for lifting ban on tree cutting and route the line.

5 12. CERTIFICATION OF AVAILABILITY OF SOUTHERN REGION TRANSMISSION SYSTEM OF POWER GRID i) Outages of existing transmission elements for completion & commissioning of new evacuation schemes /system strengthening schemes POWERGRID submitted that outages as mentioned above which are due to implementation of approved schemes should be treated as “deemed available”. In this regard attention of the constituents were drawn to NREB & EREB board decisions to treat the same as “deemed available”. Further constituents in WR & NER are also certifying these outages as “deemed available”. POWERGRID submitted that outages as mentioned above which are due to implementation of approved schemes should be treated as “deemed available”. In this regard attention of the constituents were drawn to NREB & EREB board decisions to treat the same as “deemed available”. Further constituents in WR & NER are also certifying these outages as “deemed available”. SEB’s (KPTCL,KSEB) stated that the procedures approved by CERC for calculation of transmission system availability do not include the above outages under “deemed availability”. It was decided the matter will be deliberated in the SREB board. SEB’s (KPTCL,KSEB) stated that the procedures approved by CERC for calculation of transmission system availability do not include the above outages under “deemed availability”. It was decided the matter will be deliberated in the SREB board.

6 12. (ii) OUTAGES ON ACCOUNT OF TESTING OF TALCHER – KOLAR HVDC SYSTEM TCC has decided to recommend to treat these outages as “deemed available” for consideration of the board. TCC has decided to recommend to treat these outages as “deemed available” for consideration of the board.

7 15. SPARE CONVERTER TRANSFORMER AT VISAKHAPATNAM (GAZUWAKA) HVDC STATION FOR EXECUTION BY POWERGRID TCC has decided to recommend the matter to for favorable consideration and approval of the board. TCC has decided to recommend the matter to for favorable consideration and approval of the board.

8 17. OPERATION OF TALCHER – KOLAR HVDC TRANSMISSION SYSTEM IN GROUND RETURN MODE TCC has suggested that POWERGRID should conduct further studies to improve the power flow upto rated capacity(1200 MW) in GRM and for that that the possibility of providing another earthing station be explored by POWERGRID. TCC has suggested that POWERGRID should conduct further studies to improve the power flow upto rated capacity(1200 MW) in GRM and for that that the possibility of providing another earthing station be explored by POWERGRID. KPTCL insisted that the power flow on GRM be restricted to 150 MW till such time. KPTCL insisted that the power flow on GRM be restricted to 150 MW till such time.

9 18. COMMERCIAL OPERATION OF 400 kV HYDERABAD-KARNOOL – GOOTY AND GOOTY-NELAMANGALA LINE ALONG WITH FIXED SERIES COMPENTATION POWERGRID stated that as NTPC Unit 7 has been declared under commercial operation, the associated transmission evacuation system be declared commercial. AGM SRLDC also made a presentation depicting the advantages of hyderabad-karnool – gooty and gooty - nelamangala 400 kV transmission system by way of reduction of system losses and increased grid security and stability. POWERGRID stated that as NTPC Unit 7 has been declared under commercial operation, the associated transmission evacuation system be declared commercial. AGM SRLDC also made a presentation depicting the advantages of hyderabad-karnool – gooty and gooty - nelamangala 400 kV transmission system by way of reduction of system losses and increased grid security and stability.

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