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Garrett Reveal.  Genetically engineered foods have had foreign genes (genes from other plants or animals) inserted into their genetic codes.

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Presentation on theme: "Garrett Reveal.  Genetically engineered foods have had foreign genes (genes from other plants or animals) inserted into their genetic codes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Garrett Reveal

2  Genetically engineered foods have had foreign genes (genes from other plants or animals) inserted into their genetic codes.

3  There are many benefits to using genetic engineering. These benefits include:  Disease prevention  More nutritious food  Tastier Food  Increased supply of food with reduced cost and longer shelf life  Medicinal foods that could be used as vaccines or other medications

4  The first Genetically altered food to hit our tables was the Flavr Savr Tomato in 1994.  Today everything from corn, potatoes, tomato’s, beans, beef, pork, and just about everything you can think of has been or is being genetically modified.

5  There are skeptics of GM foods who say that they are dangerous and cause disease and illness.  Some would say that you should only eat organic foods.  The FDA has conducted several studies showing that there are no health risks.

6  You should try and eat organic foods but GM foods are not deemed hazerdous.  Lets think about the world population.  4 billion people in the world  Could we grow enough organic crops and ship them around the world before they go bad?

7  GM crops and animals has helped to speed up the grow time for organisms while improving the shelf life.  If you can grow healthy food faster that lasts longer would you?  Some say the dangerous pesticides and viruses are used to modify organisms.

8 When scientists use viruses to modify a plant they are using it as a sort of vaccine so that the plant becomes immune to it. The viruses that they use are all common viruses that we have consumed with no harm.

9  GMO or Organic?  They both have there place but there is no danger in eating GMO.  What are your opinions now that you can see the pros and cons?

10  Genetically engineered foods: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia. (2012, July 5). National Library of Medicine - National Institutes of Health. Retrieved May 21, 2013, from tm  Jaffe, G. (2013, February 7). What You Need to Know About Genetically Engineered Food - Greg Jaffe - The Atlantic. The Atlantic — News and analysis on politics, business, culture, technology, national, international, and life – Retrieved May 21, 2013, from you-need-to-know-about-genetically-engineered- food/272931/

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