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ITK-234 Termodinamika Teknik Kimia 2 Chemical Equilibria Dicky Dermawan

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Presentation on theme: "ITK-234 Termodinamika Teknik Kimia 2 Chemical Equilibria Dicky Dermawan"— Presentation transcript:

1 ITK-234 Termodinamika Teknik Kimia 2 Chemical Equilibria Dicky Dermawan

2 Reaction Coordinate 

3 If, initially there are 2 mol CH 4, 1 mol H 2 O, 1 mol CO, and 4 mol H 2 :

4 Reaction Coordinate

5 Reaction Coordinate: Multiple Reactions


7 Reaction Coordinate  If, initially there are 2 mol CH 4, 1 mol H 2 O, 1 mol CO, and 4 mol H 2 :

8 Reaction Coordinate

9 Reaction Coordinate & Equilibrium Condition

10 Reaction Coordinate & Equilibrium Condition (Cont’)

11 Method of Equilibrium Constant For gases: For ideal gases:

12 Method of Equilibrium Constant

13 Problems

14 Problem Hint: Different Way Leads to The Same Results

15 Problems

16 Calculation of Equilibrium Constant









25 Heat Capacity Data - Gases


27 Heat Capacity Data - Solid

28 Heat Capacity Data - Liquid

29 Problems

30 Problems

31 Problems

32 Problems

33 Problems

34 Problems

35 Problems

36 Problems

37 Problems

38 Multiple Reactions A bed of coal (assume pure carbon) in a coal gasifier is fed with steam and air and produce a gas stream containing H 2, CO, O 2, H 2 O, CO 2, and N 2. If the feed to the gasifier consists of 1 mol of steam and 2.38 mol of air, calculate the equilibrium composition of the gas stream at P = 20 bar.

39 Multiple Reactions

40 Problems

41 Problems

42 Problems

43 Lagrange Multiplier for Complex Reaction First Step: Atomic Balances #2 Step: No. of eqn = no. of involved atom No. of eqn = no. of species involved Use Computer to Solve All The Equation Simultaneously.

44 Problem Calculate the equilibrium composition at 1000 K and 1 bar of a gas-phase system containing the species CH 4, H 2 O, CO, CO 2, and H 2. In the initial unreacted state ther are present 2 mol of CH 4 and 3 mol of H 2 O. Assume ideal gases. At 1000 K:

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