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Today’s Agenda…11/14 Bellringer: Heat and Temperature Warm-Up

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Presentation on theme: "Today’s Agenda…11/14 Bellringer: Heat and Temperature Warm-Up"— Presentation transcript:

1 Today’s Agenda…11/14 Bellringer: Heat and Temperature Warm-Up
Turn in worksheet – Heat on the Move Notes on Heat Transfer Homework: Worksheet

2 Heat and Temperature Bellringer
Respond to the following questions. You DO NOT have to write the questions. What kind of energy do the particles in substances have? Why do they have that kind of energy? What will cause this energy to increase? How does heat move between substances? Give one example.

3 Energy (Heat) Transfer
Study Pack #6

4 Today’s goals… I can continue to describe how heat is transferred
I can compare conduction, convection, and radiation.

5 Heat Transfer Heat will move when there is a difference in temperatures Heat will ALWAYS move from the warmer object to the cooler one Heat can be transferred (move) in three ways: Conduction Convection Radiation

6 Conduction Transfer of heat through collisions between atoms in a substance The kinetic energy of the substances is transferred Heat transfer by direct contact

7 Conduction Usually occurs in solids Examples:
Burning your hand on a stove Feeling warm sand on your feet at the beach

8 Conduction Materials through which it is easy to transfer heat are called conductors Metals Materials that are poor conductors are called insulators Plastic

9 Convection Usually occurs in liquids and gases
As particles warm, they spread out and become less dense These particles rise, while cooler, more dense particles fall This creates convection currents

10 Convection Examples Heating soup on a burner Heating your home

11 Radiation The transfer of energy by rays or waves No direct contact
Examples: The sun warming the Earth

12 Activity!! Come up with one example of each type of heat transfer – draw an example of this on the front of your foldable We will share our examples at the end of class Try to come up with something we didn’t share in class!

13 Homework Worksheet

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