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Program topic: Geothermal Technology

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1 Program topic: Geothermal Technology
Current status of the EGS Groß Schönebeck project within the North German basin: main achievements and perspectives HUENGES1, E., A. SAADAT1, W. BRANDT1, B. LEGARTH1, T. TISCHNER², I. MOECK1, H. HOLL1, G.ZIMMERMANN1 GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam (GFZ), ²Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) Program topic: Geothermal Technology Add.: A. Förster, David Bruhn, S. Köhler et al.

2 Iceland Deep Drilling Hannover Bochum Landau Soultz Basel Larderello Groß Schönebeck Rhine Gr. Molasse B. Paris Basin Mid-European Basin Po Basin Pannonian Basin Hurter & Schellschmidt 2003

3 Southern Permian Basin
Hengill Hannover Bochum Landau Soultz Basel Larderello Groß Schönebeck Rhine Gr. Molasse Paris Basin Southern Permian Basin Po Basin Pannonian Basin Hurter & Schellschmidt 2003

4 Suitable for reservoir
Commercial Potentially commercial productive hydrothermal HotDry Rock Suitable for reservoir enhancement* High natural permeability Zero * Hydrofracture, targeted injection, acid leaching, directional drilling, etc. mod.from USGS

5 In-situ Geothermal Laboratory Groß Schönebeck
research borehole in sedimentary rocks 4.3-km deep, 150 °C with stimulated reservoir drilling 2. well and concept to enhance mass-flow rate from the reservoir using a doublet demonstration sustainable production with longterm circulation geothermal power production in the North German Basin methods: hydraulic frac operation using gels, proppants, and hugh water injections multidisciplinary process analysis

6 In-situ Geothermal Laboratory Groß Schönebeck

7 Operations overview open hole proppant frac with packer Jan/Feb 2002
production test / logging m (frac 1) m (frac 2) open hole waterfrac start Jan/Feb 2003 m, borehole instability production test cont. Nov/Dec 2003 m production test / logging preparation 2. well: 2004/2005 injection test & reservoir modelling EU-tender for drilling services Mining rights procedure Design of drilling program & setup of the drillsite

8 productivity enhancement by hydraulic fracturing
creating zone of increased permeability enlarging apparent wellbore radius by-pass skin improve inflow conditions

9 open hole proppant frac February 2002
concept: open-hole stimulation high-viscous fluid (HTU-Gel + citric acid) proppant result: increase of productivity not sufficient for economics modelled 7 times higher productivity Legarth et al., Geothermics, 2003

10 stimulation effect (proppant fracs)
BHTV FMI N E S W N N E S W N Flowmeter SH:18,5°±3,7 Holl et al., EAGE, 2004

11 open hole waterfrac (Jan/Feb 2003)
well Groß Schönebeck / casing profile max. 25 l/s 250 bar Siltstone Sandstone Volcanics

12 waterfrac cont. (Nov/Dec 2003)
well Groß Schönebeck / casing profile pre-perforated liner max. 80 l/s 500 bar

13 waterfrac Nov/Dec 2003  HP triplex pumps  80 l/s bei 500 bar  4000 kW  wellbore completion  frac string installation  1500 m³ storage  acidization  filter systems

14 production test Groß Schönebeck 1.12.03

15 Learning curve Groß Schönebeck
Huenges et al. 2004

16 Injection pressure & temperature around the wells
Injection well Production well 1 Dm 0,5 Dm thermal water loop with 75 m³/h

17 Step 1: Drill 2. well and realise the doublet
2006: Drill 2.well (directional) multifracturing Commitment of the energy provider Vattenfall: 1. Primar productivity for 750 kW-power plant 2. Demonstration of sustainibility (circulation test) Directional drilling concept 2.well

18 Step 2: Installation of the geothermal power plant
2007 Demonstration of geothermal power production (partner in industry Vattenfall Europe AG) - demonstration - optimisation of the processes - Improving efficiency

19 Conclusions EGS offer ways of increasing the potential of geothermal power generation for various geological environments: Experiences with several hydraulic fracture treatments Concept based on parallel fracs and transmissibility within the formation In sedimentary rocks: e.g. Groß Schönebeck site since 2001, with 10 MW thermal 140 °C expected after drilling a second borehole

20 Seismic experiment Seismic parameters per line/star:
Autobahn Seismic parameters per line/star: Shot spacing = 800 m 50 x (20 m, 30 kg) = 40 km Receiver spacing = 200 m 200 x 3C stations = 40 km

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