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LCP Amendment No. MAJ-2-12, Item Th15b. Zoning Designations 2007 DTSP City Approved CTO 2007 DTSP Coastal Commission Approved in 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "LCP Amendment No. MAJ-2-12, Item Th15b. Zoning Designations 2007 DTSP City Approved CTO 2007 DTSP Coastal Commission Approved in 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 LCP Amendment No. MAJ-2-12, Item Th15b

2 Zoning Designations 2007 DTSP City Approved CTO 2007 DTSP Coastal Commission Approved in 2010

3 Coastal Commission Direction to City in 2010 Demonstrate why a mix of uses at the site is appropriate. Relationship of this site to other visitor- serving coastal sites throughout the Ventura coastal area.

4 Economic and Financial Viability of Visitor-Serving Uses City Initiated Economic Study Conducted by HR&A Advisors, Inc. Analyzed hotel, motel, retail and other visitor serving uses

5 Economic and Financial Viability of Visitor-Serving Uses No demand for lodging site Small retail not financially feasible Site heavily constrained

6 Weak market demand Site competes with Downtown Core Isolated by Hwy 101, Railroad tracks, topography No direct access from Hwy 101 Site Constraints

7 Entitled Hotels within Coastal Zone

8 Proposed 2007 DTSP Amendment CT O T.4.3.5 Urban General 3.5 Promenade Parcels

9 T4.3.5 Promenade Parcels

10 Benefits to Public Real development of Promenade with amenities Accommodates all modes of transportation Adds coastal visitor public parking

11 Beachside Promenade 8 foot walk 6 feet landscape each side Seating areas 28 feet deep w/ benches Crosswalks Houseside Promenade 6 foot walk 6 and 10 feet landscape Promenade Detail

12 Mitigation In-Lieu Fee Fee for non-visitor serving uses Use towards lower cost visitor serving uses in City

13 Suggested Edit to Modification 5 Management & Location of In Lieu Fee money 3-Party MOU should be prepared between the Commission, State Parks and the City of Ventura Project should be in City limits Rationale: Monies are collected under City permit authority for local use Establishes accountability for use of public monies Ensures partnership between local and state agencies – a key objective of Coastal Act implementation

14 MOD 4 & 9, Restrict portion for parking City owned parcel

15 City Owned Parcel

16 City Owned Parcel - constraints Railroad Right of Way Ash Street ROW Parking Space Standards Back out Distance Accessibility Requirements Stormwater Requirements utility

17 CTO = City Owned Parcel Or Retain

18 Retain CTO – will maintain status-quo

19 Request Approval of LCPA D o w n t o w n Beach Project Site





24 Within the Downtown Specific Plan (Certified IP) DTSP Pacific Ocean Project Site Midtown

25 DTSP – Focus Area for Development Project Site

26 Land Use Designations 1989 Comprehensive Plan (LCP) D T S P PC-T PC-T = Planned Commercial – Tourist Oriented


28 Conceptual Cross Section BeachHighwaySite

29 Conceptual Cross Section 15’ 15’ min.


31 210 rooms x 25% x $34,188.88 = approximately $1,794,916.00 Suggested Edit to Modification 5 1. Construct In Lieu Fee as a rolling fee based on identified ratio: $34,188.88 per residential unit instead of flat flee Rationale: City must comply with AB1600 for impact fee Supports fee collection and nexus justification Consistent with ratio-based fee Commission certified in 2010

32 Residential at full potential would equal same fee as…. Residential

33 Just 1% residential ? Ratio solves problem Residential

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