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Female Reproductive System Jenna, Bri, & Caleb.

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1 Female Reproductive System Jenna, Bri, & Caleb


3 KEY TERMS TO KNOW ~Uterus: is the enlarged and muscular. it expands when the fertilized ovum implants and develops or rests during prenatal development. ~ Fallopian Tubes: also called uterine tube; the oviduct; the tubes through which the ovum is transported to the uterus. ~Ovulation : the release of an ovum from the ovary. ~ Cervix: neckline opening to the uterus.

4 How the system works  This system is important because it’s the way the female body produces and stores the eggs.  They system is located In the pelvic region.  This system is important because it’s the way the female body produces and stores the eggs.  They system is located In the pelvic region.

5 Organs  Vagina: Muscular canal located between the neck of the uterus and the vulva enabling copulation.  Fallopian Tube: Canal through which the egg travels from the ovary to the uterus. Fertilization of the egg by the spermatozoon normally takes place in the upper section of the tube.  Ovary: Female genital gland that produces eggs and the sex hormones estrogen and progesterone.  Urethra: Membranous canal enabling evacuation of urine from the bladder.  Cervix: Lower narrow section of the uterus through which it connects with the vagina.  Labia Major: Thick cutaneous hairy folds of the vulva protecting the vaginal orifice.  Labia Minor: Mucous folds of the vulva located between the labia majora.  Vagina: Muscular canal located between the neck of the uterus and the vulva enabling copulation.  Fallopian Tube: Canal through which the egg travels from the ovary to the uterus. Fertilization of the egg by the spermatozoon normally takes place in the upper section of the tube.  Ovary: Female genital gland that produces eggs and the sex hormones estrogen and progesterone.  Urethra: Membranous canal enabling evacuation of urine from the bladder.  Cervix: Lower narrow section of the uterus through which it connects with the vagina.  Labia Major: Thick cutaneous hairy folds of the vulva protecting the vaginal orifice.  Labia Minor: Mucous folds of the vulva located between the labia majora.

6 UNIQUE DETAILS ~ the largest cell in the female human body is the ovum or egg present in the ovaries. ~ The ovaries of a newborn girl contains about 600, 000 immature eggs. ~The female human body is capable of giving birth to 35 children in one lifetime. ~ non-pregnant uterus is about the size of a plum. It is located between the bladder, which is beneath the abdominal wall, and the rectum, which is near the backbone.

7 Common Injuries: Endometriosis: condition involving colonization of the abdominal/pelvic cavity of endometrial tissue. Endometrium is the lining layer of the uterus. Alcohol Damage : Chronic drinking can cause a variety of problems in the female reproductive system. West Virginia University states that abnormal menstrual cycles and failure to ovulate are two of the main effects alcohol has on females. Others include an increased risk of spontaneous abortions and early menopause; breast cancer. Drug Abuse: Abnormal menstruation is one possible result that often occurs as a result of malnutrition caused by the drug abuse. It is common in women suffering from cocaine addiction and heroin abuse. Some drug abuse can cause a woman to stop ovulation. As a result, a woman will deal with infertility problems and may need to seek reproductive assistance later in life.

8 QUESTIONS TO KEEP IN MIND Is it possible to live without the reproductive system? Can being underweight be detrimental to the female reproductive system? What is a system that works along side the female reproductive system? What does the system in question 3 do to help the female reproductive system?

9 KEEPING YOUR SYSTEM HEALTHY A few things you can do to keep this system healthy are to engage in the following: Stay healthy – being too over or under weight can cause problems with pregnancy. Lower Stress levels – being overly stressed can lower your immune system and lead you to be more susceptible to infections. Don’t smoke (Anything) – aside from the thousands of chemicals in cigarettes that cause cancer, constantly smoking can alter ovaries and other parts of the female reproductive system. Engage in safe sex – there are STD’s that are incurable, so the prevent that from happening get your partner tested and wear a condom. Living without it: It is possible. In fact, there are some abnormalities that occur and in that case, some do get it removed. Getting your uterus removed is called a hysterecto­my

10 WORKING WITH THE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM The Endocrine system is one of the systems in the body that helps the reproductive system needs in order to function properly. What is the endocrine system? Definition: The endocrine system is the collection of glands of an organism that secrete hormones directly into the circulatory system to be carried towards distant target organs. How does this help? The endocrine system is needed to be the “hormonal messenger” which alerts the hypothalamus when the young women's body has the energy stores needed to undertake reproduction. *Definition of hypothalamus: a region of the forebrain below the thalamus that coordinates both the autonomic nervous system and the activity of the pituitary, controlling body temperature, thirst, hunger, and other homeostatic systems, and involved in sleep and emotional activity.

11 ASK YOURSELF: DID I LEARN ANYTHING? Is it possible to live without the reproductive system? No Yes Can being underweight be detrimental to the female reproductive system? No Yes What is a system that works along side the female reproductive system? Oral Carpal Sternal Endocrine

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