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But there is an exception… -The Dead Sea is located in between Jordan and Israel -It is the lowest place on earth: almost a mile below sea level.

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Presentation on theme: "But there is an exception… -The Dead Sea is located in between Jordan and Israel -It is the lowest place on earth: almost a mile below sea level."— Presentation transcript:





5 But there is an exception…

6 -The Dead Sea is located in between Jordan and Israel -It is the lowest place on earth: almost a mile below sea level -It is 42 miles long and 11 miles wide -it is 1,240 feet deep -it is also one of the SALTIEST bodies of water in the world

7 -that means it’s more than 8 times as salty as a normal ocean -it is so salty that animals and fish can’t live in it (that’s how it got it’s name… the DEAD Sea) -the high level of salt means that the water is very DENSE -this means the water is heavy. Fish are less dense than the Dead Sea, so if they lived there, they couldn’t dive below water because they are lighter than the water. -they would just bob back to the top!

8 The same goes for humans!!!

9 -Water from the mountains runs into the Sea because the Sea is so LOW -Because it comes from the mountains, it has a lot of minerals and salty earth. -The Sea is in a really hot area, so the water evaporates quickly. -But SALT doesn’t evaporate -And because the Sea is so low, no rivers run out of it, water only comes IN, so there’s not way to get rid of the salt!





14 Knowing all this…. Do you think we could get an egg to float in water?? How? Design a questions…. Make a hypothesis… Develop a plan… Plan materials Do the experiment Record observations and results Make a conclusion! See if your hypothesis was correct!

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