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What Will We Learn About in Earth Science?. We’ll Learn about Planet Earth Home.

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Presentation on theme: "What Will We Learn About in Earth Science?. We’ll Learn about Planet Earth Home."— Presentation transcript:

1 What Will We Learn About in Earth Science?

2 We’ll Learn about Planet Earth Home

3 Why should we learn about the Earth?

4 Because it’s the only home we’ve got …

5 Although, Sometimes you’d never know it…


7 We’ll Learn about Mapping Earth and pinpointing exact locations

8 We’ll Learn about Density “Look Mom, No Float !” (Relaxing in the Dead Sea)

9 We’ll Learn about Astronomy Spiral Galaxy

10 The Universe, Our Solar System, Planets, Stars, comets, asteroids and more …

11 “Yes Luke, no longer a planet is Pluto”

12 We’ll Discuss Questions Like … How did the Universe Begin ? Is there life on other planets ? What could happen if a large asteroid strikes earth ? Has this ever happened? Will our Sun burn out ?

13 We’ll Learn the Reasons for The Seasons

14 and About Weather and Storms Tornado

15 Lightning

16 Hurricanes

17 Katrina

18 We’ll Learn about Geology and Weathering and Erosion

19 Rocks and minerals

20 Volcanoes

21 Plate tectonics & Earthquakes

22 Tsunamis

23 Landslides

24 Glaciers

25 We’ll Learn About Geologic History

26 How Rock Layers Tell Stories

27 We’ll Learn about the Ocean

28 And Earth’s Water

29 Biosphere 2 We’ll Learn about the Environment

30 Biosphere 2 Global Warming and melting glaciers

31 Basically, We’ll Learn…

32 A Lot

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