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March Madness Another M.B. Alluisi Production Copyright Norfolk Public Schools, 2006 Animations from

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2 March Madness Another M.B. Alluisi Production Copyright Norfolk Public Schools, 2006 Animations from

3 Directions For each question you get correct you get 2 points. For each incorrect answer that you select, the computer gets 1 point. Your goal is to beat the computer’s score. Lets get started!

4 Using the map, ancient Greece was located on which continent? Continent A Continent B Continent C Continent D

5 Correct! 2 points

6 Using the map, what body of water surrounded ancience Greece? The dead Sea The Mediterranean Sea The Nile River The Atlantic Ocean

7 Correct! 2 points

8 The word characteristic means changetrait communityclimate

9 Correct! 2 points

10 Which of the following was a physical characteristic of ancient Greece? Flat PlainsIcebergs. Swamps. Mountains

11 Correct! 2 points

12 Which of the following was a human characteristic of ancient Greeks? BricklayersMiners ExplorersShipbuilders

13 Correct! 2 points

14 The ancient Greeks made significant contributions to our society in the areas of farming governmentpyramid army

15 Correct! 2 points

16 This is a picture of the Supreme Court building located in Washington, D.C. What architectural feature of the building is a contribution from ancient Greece? Light post ColumnsPeople Words on the building

17 Correct! 2 points

18 Why was farming difficult in ancient Greece? The land was desert-like and it never rained. There were no farmers in ancient Greece. The soil was too rich for growing crops. There were many mountains and hills.

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20 Which building in ancient Greece has similar architecture to the Supreme Court building? The Parthenon The Great WallThe Aqueducts The Colosseum

21 Correct! 2 points

22 Ancient Greeks adapted to their environment by farming with tractors trading on the Pacific Oceanbuilding a trading empire across Asia developing small independent communities among the mountains

23 Correct! 2 points

24 Which word means “the act of giving or doing something”? Democracy TraitCharacteristic Contribution

25 Correct! 2 points

26 In what kind of government do people vote to make their own rules and laws? A republican government A representative governmentA government with kings A direct democracy

27 Correct! 2 points

28 What form of government was established in ancient Greece? A representative government A republican governmentA direct democracy A government with kings

29 Correct! 2 points

30 What sporting event still exists today and is a contribution from ancient Greece? The Olympics The Super BowlThe Kentucky Derby The World Series

31 Correct! 2 points

32 Ancient Greece is known for being the birthplace of roads democracyarchitecture kings

33 Correct! 2 points

34 What kind of art did the ancient Greeks display? Pottery and jewelry Sculptures and paintingsPaintings and jewelry Sculptures and pottery

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36 That’s not correct! Computer gets a point. Click to Try Again

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