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Dig Site 13 Blue Level Questions. How did the Lord react when Israel did evil in His sight? (4:1-2) 1.He let a famine sweep the land. 2.He sold them to.

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Presentation on theme: "Dig Site 13 Blue Level Questions. How did the Lord react when Israel did evil in His sight? (4:1-2) 1.He let a famine sweep the land. 2.He sold them to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dig Site 13 Blue Level Questions

2 How did the Lord react when Israel did evil in His sight? (4:1-2) 1.He let a famine sweep the land. 2.He sold them to King Jabin. 3.He brought 10 plagues on them. 4.He dried up the Jordan River.

3 How did the Lord react when Israel did evil in His sight? (4:1-2) 1.He let a famine sweep the land. 2.He sold them to King Jabin. 3.He brought 10 plagues on them. 4.He dried up the Jordan River.

4 Where did Jabin reign? (4:2) 1.Jericho 2.Egypt 3.Rome 4.Hazor

5 Where did Jabin reign? (4:2) 1.Jericho 2.Egypt 3.Rome 4.Hazor

6 Why did Israelites come to Deborah? 1.To receive charity 2.To have their disputes decided 3.To get healed 4.All of the above

7 Why did Israelites come to Deborah? 1.To receive charity 2.To have their disputes decided 3.To get healed 4.All of the above

8 What did the Lord command Barak to do? (4:6) 1.Take 10,000 men to Mount Hermon 2.Take 20,000 men to Mount Carmel 3.Take 10,000 men to Mount Tabor 4.Take 15,000 men to Mount Nebo

9 What did the Lord command Barak to do? (4:6) 1.Take 10,000 men to Mount Hermon 2.Take 20,000 men to Mount Carmel 3.Take 10,000 men to Mount Tabor 4.Take 15,000 men to Mount Nebo

10 What was Deborah’s response to Barak’s request for her to come with him? (4:8-9) 1.She refused to go 2.She agreed, but only if Barak made her commander 3.She agreed to go 4.She sent someone else with him

11 What was Deborah’s response to Barak’s request for her to come with him? (4:8-9) 1.She refused to go 2.She agreed, but only if Barak made her commander 3.She agreed to go 4.She sent someone else with him

12 What was not going to be given to Barak in battle? (4:9) 1.Victory 2.Honor 3.Treasure 4.None of the above

13 What was not going to be given to Barak in battle? (4:9) 1.Victory 2.Honor 3.Treasure 4.None of the above

14 Why wouldn’t Barak receive honor for defeating Sisera? (4:89) 1.He wouldn’t go into battle unless Deborah went with him. 2.He went into battle without the Lord’s permission. 3.He refused the Lord’s help. 4.All of the above.

15 Why wouldn’t Barak receive honor for defeating Sisera? (4:89) 1.He wouldn’t go into battle unless Deborah went with him. 2.He went into battle without the Lord’s permission. 3.He refused the Lord’s help. 4.All of the above.

16 Who did Barak summon for battle? (4:9-10) 1.Men from Zebulun and Naphtali 2.Men from Naphtali only 3.Men from Gad 4.All of the above

17 Who did Barak summon for battle? (4:9-10) 1.Men from Zebulun and Naphtali 2.Men from Naphtali only 3.Men from Gad 4.All of the above

18 Went with Barak to fight? (4:10) 1.10,000 men and Deborah 2.30,000 men and Deborah 3.40,000 men 4.40000 men and Deborah

19 Went with Barak to fight? (4:10) 1.10,000 men and Deborah 2.30,000 men and Deborah 3.40,000 men 4.40000 men and Deborah

20 Where did Heber pitch his tent? (4:11) 1.On the Jordan River 2.Near Kedesh 3.On Mount Tabor 4.In Jericho

21 Where did Heber pitch his tent? (4:11) 1.On the Jordan River 2.Near Kedesh 3.On Mount Tabor 4.In Jericho

22 What did Deborah say to Barak before the battle? (4:14) 1.“Go! This is the day the Lord has given Sisera into your hands.” 2.“The Lord has turned his face from you.” 3.“I pray that the Lord will bless and keep you.” 4.All of the above.

23 What did Deborah say to Barak before the battle? (4:14) 1.“Go! This is the day the Lord has given Sisera into your hands.” 2.“The Lord has turned his face from you.” 3.“I pray that the Lord will bless and keep you.” 4.All of the above.

24 What happened after Barak and his men went down Mount Tabor? (4:14-15) 1.The Lord routed Sisera and all his chariots and army by the sword. 2.Sisera got down from his chariot. 3.Sisera fled on foot. 4.All of the above.

25 What happened after Barak and his men went down Mount Tabor? (4:14-15) 1.The Lord routed Sisera and all his chariots and army by the sword. 2.Sisera got down from his chariot. 3.Sisera fled on foot. 4.All of the above.

26 How far did Barak pursue Sisera’s chariots and army? 4:16) 1.To Harosheth Haggoyim 2.To Bethel 3.To Mount Hermon 4.To the Dead Sea

27 How far did Barak pursue Sisera’s chariots and army? 4:16) 1.To Harosheth Haggoyim 2.To Bethel 3.To Mount Hermon 4.To the Dead Sea

28 In whose tent did Sisera take refuge? (4:17) 1.Jael, wife of Heber the Kenite 2.Tamor, sister of Joshua 3.Rahab, the innkeeper 4.All of the above

29 In whose tent did Sisera take refuge? (4:17) 1.Jael, wife of Heber the Kenite 2.Tamor, sister of Joshua 3.Rahab, the innkeeper 4.All of the above

30 What did Jael say to Sisera? (4:18) 1.“Come, my lord, come right in. Don’t be afraid.” 2.“Are you lost? May I help you find your way?” 3.“Barak is not here.” 4.“You aren’t supposed to be here.”

31 What did Jael say to Sisera? (4:18) 1.“Come, my lord, come right in. Don’t be afraid.” 2.“Are you lost? May I help you find your way?” 3.“Barak is not here.” 4.“You aren’t supposed to be here.”

32 What happened after Sisera fell asleep? (4:21) 1.Jael told Barak where to find Sisera to kill him. 2.Jael drove a tent peg through his temple. 3.Sisera woke up and fled 4.Sisera’s army attacked the camp.

33 What happened after Sisera fell asleep? (4:21) 1.Jael told Barak where to find Sisera to kill him. 2.Jael drove a tent peg through his temple. 3.Sisera woke up and fled 4.Sisera’s army attacked the camp.

34 What happened on the day Sisera died? (4:23) 1.God subdued Jabin. 2.All of Canaan turned to the Lord. 3.Barak also died in battle. 4.Jael became the queen of Israel.

35 What happened on the day Sisera died? (4:23) 1.God subdued Jabin. 2.All of Canaan turned to the Lord. 3.Barak also died in battle. 4.Jael became the queen of Israel.

36 What happened directly after God subdued Jabin? (4:23-24) 1.The Israelites were put into prison 2.The hand of the Israelites pressed harder and harder against Jabin king of Canaan until they destroyed him. 3.Deborah left her position as leader. 4.Deborah became queen.

37 What happened directly after God subdued Jabin? (4:23-24) 1.The Israelites were put into prison 2.The hand of the Israelites pressed harder and harder against Jabin king of Canaan until they destroyed him. 3.Deborah left her position as leader. 4.Deborah became queen.

38 Finish this verse: “I know that you can…” (Job 42:2) 1.“… save us with your awesome plans.” 2.“… do all things; no purpose of yours can be thwarted.” 3.“… do everything and help us with this situation.” 4.“… come up with a plan that will save us.”

39 Finish this verse: “I know that you can…” (Job 42:2) 1.“… save us with your awesome plans.” 2.“… do all things; no purpose of yours can be thwarted.” 3.“… do everything and help us with this situation.” 4.“… come up with a plan that will save us.”

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