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5 Theme Notes Review Work Smarter, Not Harder. The 5 Themes of WHAP Environmental –Where are they? What’s it like? Climate, geography, resources, population,

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Presentation on theme: "5 Theme Notes Review Work Smarter, Not Harder. The 5 Themes of WHAP Environmental –Where are they? What’s it like? Climate, geography, resources, population,"— Presentation transcript:

1 5 Theme Notes Review Work Smarter, Not Harder

2 The 5 Themes of WHAP Environmental –Where are they? What’s it like? Climate, geography, resources, population, technology that relates to environment (plows, sails, etc) Economic –What do they have, how do they get it? Agriculture, trade, industry, labor, taxes, etc

3 5 Themes of WHAP Social –What groups make up the society? Ethnic, national, religious, economic groups. What is the hierarchy? Who is in charge, how is that decided? Who does the hard work? Conflicts? Cultural –Knowledge, ideas, technology, language, beliefs, religion, etc. Which are being encouraged and spread, or oppressed?

4 5 Themes of WHAP Government/Organization/Conflict –All about POWER and AUTHORITY. Who is in charge? Of what? Responsibilities? Who makes decisions that affect everyone? Military matters, conflicts within and between societies.

5 Smart Notes DO NOT: –Zombie Copy! Use your brain (brains…) –Write more than 4-5 words from text- SUMMARIZE –Write anything you don’t understand Ask me if you need help

6 Example Text The Elizabethan Age (1558-1603) boasted commercial expansion and exploration and colonization in the New World, especially after the English fleet destroyed the Spanish Armada in 1588. During this time the Muscovy Company was founded as the first joint-stock company, and the British East India Company quickly followed suit.

7 Environmental Explore, colonization the New World

8 Economic New businesses in the New World New: joint stock companies- Muscovy, East India

9 Social Colonization in the New World

10 Cultural Elizabethan Age, 1558-1603= good times for England

11 Government Queen Elizabeth 1 Colonies in the New World Defeat Spain 1588

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