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Trumpets.... Second Coming. Feast # 5 Name: Trumpets MEANING: t Leviticus 23: 23 – 25. Yom Teruah (the day of trumpets) is a re-gathering. Seen in context.

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Presentation on theme: "Trumpets.... Second Coming. Feast # 5 Name: Trumpets MEANING: t Leviticus 23: 23 – 25. Yom Teruah (the day of trumpets) is a re-gathering. Seen in context."— Presentation transcript:

1 Trumpets.... Second Coming

2 Feast # 5 Name: Trumpets MEANING: t Leviticus 23: 23 – 25. Yom Teruah (the day of trumpets) is a re-gathering. Seen in context with the preceding four feasts which speak of Messiah’s sacrifice (Passover), Unleavened Bread (holiness imparted to those who “feed” on Messiah), First Fruits (Hebrew people who first trusted in Messiah and place their faith in His completed work on the cross of crucifixion), and Shavuot (or Latter First Fruits, being those Gentile people who place their faith in Yeshua), then Trumpets represents the re- gathering of two distinct but linked groups: Firstly the re-gathering of Jewish people generally within the biblical promised land. Secondly, the final gathering of all people, Jew and non- Jew, who are true believers at the time of the end. Second Coming

3 t PROPHETIC FULFILMENT: Feast # 5 Name: Trumpets Jeremiah 30:7; Daniel 12:1; Characterises a time of in-gathering and spiritual preparation. There are numerous biblical promises of a time of complete shalom for the chosen people in their promised land. Since no such time has happened in the past, it is reasonable to conclude that it lies in the future. Prior to the completion of that re-gathering, there is a metaphorical trumpet call to the Hebrew people globally to “come home”. Whether there will be some supernatural additional “call” to Jewish people remains to be seen. Finally there will be an equivalent “trumpet call” to the whole of Mankind to place their faith and trust in the Jewish Messiah. In spite of widespread and very severe persecution against true believers, yet people will continue to turn to Him until the end – when He returns in Glory. Second Coming

4 t PRESENT JEWISH OBSERVANCE: Feast # 5 Name: Trumpets Rabbinic Judaism no longer marks Trumpets. Instead it has substituted Rosh Hashanah (the “new year”). There is a cultural/traditional motif that on Rosh Hashanah God judges the world. Between Rosh Hashanah and Atonement it is supposed that there should be good deeds and prayers – but no assurance of forgiveness is possible. It has been observed that Rosh Hashanah is a sad mixture of biblical truth and paganism, with a special debt owed to the ancient Babylonian Marduk “room of fate”. The idea of repentance is also bound up in the Rabbinical traditions – Rosh Hashanah = the “spiritual” new year. Second Coming

5 t Re: JESUS Feast # 5 Name: Trumpets Biblically, the trumpet was to be blown as an announcement of God’s Moedim – His holy convocations with His people. Whilst these Moedim describe His relationship with his chosen people, there is a direct read- across to those who place their faith in Yeshua – those grafted-in to the root of Israel [ Romans 10: 5-13; Romans 11: 24 ]. Numbers 10 lists a range of occasions when the trumpet was to be blown, but the allusion to Messiah and His achievements is inescapable. It seems that in some way the future global reign of Messiah will be announced with a trumpet blast [ Revelation 11: 15-17; 1 Thessalonians 4: 16 ] In summary we can say that the feast of Trumpets is an allusion to the second coming of Messiah [ Matthew 24: 31 ]. Second Coming

6 God’s Moedim – study materials Slide deck # 7 please join again for Slide deck # 8

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