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Where is Vietnam?.

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Presentation on theme: "Where is Vietnam?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Where is Vietnam?

The Vietnam War, Background: France controlled “Indochina” since the late 19th century. 1954: France loses control to Ho Chi Minh’s Viet Minh at Dien Bien Phu U.S. replaces France. Why??? FEAR OF COMMUNISM/DOMINO EFFECT!!!!!

3 Vietnam Split at 17th Parallel
North Vietnam: Ho Chi Minh (Communist) South Vietnam: Ngo Dinh Diem (Dictatorial-U.S.-backed) U.S. sent billions in aid to Diem’s gov’t.

4 Early Protests of Diem’s Government
Buddhist Monk – Self-Immolation Saigon

5 1960 – U.S. Military Involvement Begins
JFK increases number of military advisors. First “living room war” Body counts on TV every night

6 Johnson Sends Ground Forces
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution “The Blank Check” U.S. Troop Deployments in Vietnam

7 Who is the enemy?

8 January, 1968 – Tet Offensive
U.S. destroys Viet Cong HOWEVER, seen as an American defeat by the media. Impact: Led to an opposition to the war in the U.S., Johnson disgraced. Hey! Hey! LBJ! How many kids did you kill today?

9 Impact of the Vietnam War
Johnson does not run for re-election. Drop in American morale. Are we becoming the enemy? My Lai Massacre: 1968 villagers killed Mostly women and children

10 Anti-War Demonstrations
May 1970 4 Students shot dead. 11 Students wounded. Kent State University

11 1975 – Vietnam is united and Communist
Peace Negotiations 1975 – Vietnam is united and Communist 1973: Nixon – “peace with honor” Ceasefire signed. 1975: North Vietnam defeats South Vietnam.

12 Impact 26th Amendment – 18 year olds vote. War Powers Act (1973) –
Overturned Gulf of Tonkin Resolution. Disregard for Veterans – seen as “baby killers” Nixon abolished the draft.

13 Vietnam War Memorial – Washington, D.C.

14 AND TODAY….. The “Light” at the End of This Tunnel?
2003 to ?: “Operation Iraqi Freedom” American dead and counting…?

15 A transformation of the Middle East?
Another Vietnam? OR A transformation of the Middle East? Only time & history can tell!

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