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Key Stage 2 Standard Assessment Tasks Year 6 Parent Information Evening.

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1 Key Stage 2 Standard Assessment Tasks Year 6 Parent Information Evening

2 What are SATs for? Measure of progress at two key points in the primary school Used to measure the effectiveness of the school Gives a comparison against ‘the average’ Standard measurement to pass on to high schools

3 Test Papers In English, there are tests in Reading and Grammar, punctuation and spelling. This was new last year. Writing is judged through teacher assessment. There is no written test. Evidence can be taken into account from across the year. In Maths, there are two papers. Both papers are now non calculator. There is a separate mental Maths test which is in CD format. All children, unless operating below Level 3 take the Level 3 – 5 tests. Science is assessed though teacher assessment. However some children might have to sit a test later this year if the school is chosen.

4 Level 6 papers Maths, grammar and reading can be assessed at Level 6. Children have to pass all the Level 5 papers in order to be awarded a Level 6. Writing at Level 6 is teacher assessed and moderated. This is equivalent to an average Year 8/9 score. A limited number of children only will be entered for these tests. Tests last between 30 minutes to an hour. The school makes the final decision as to which children are entered.

5 Reading Comprehension at Levels 3 - 5 Papers were changed last year. The test now lasts for an hour with no prompts as to when to start each section. The test is now divided into 3 sections – level 3, level 4 and level 5 texts. This was new last year. No help with reading or explaining questions is allowed, but teachers may help write answers if this is necessary. Spelling, punctuation and grammar are not marked in this paper. Most marks are for explanations. The test is worth 50% of the overall English mark. All children will sit these tests if they are operating at a Level 3+ standard. Most questions are only worth one mark with many involving multiple answers.

6 Maths Papers Levels 3- 5 Both papers are 45 minutes long. Calculators are no longer allowed. The second paper is ‘harder’ than the first with more challenging questions. Questions are worth one or two marks and even if the answer is wrong, a mark may be given for using the correct workings. There is more emphasis on being able to use and apply maths. Teachers may read questions in both written papers to pupils if asked. All children will sit these tests if they are operating at a Level 3+ standard.

7 Mental MathsLevels 3 - 5 There are 20 questions which the children hear on a CD. Each question is read twice. They involve a range of skills, not just ‘numbers.’ Working out time is 5, 10 or 15 seconds. The test is worth 20% of the overall subject mark.

8 Can children have help to access the tests? This depends on the test and subject being taken. In some of the tests, a scribe can be used to write down what the pupil says for the answer. A reader is allowed in Mathematics at KS2 Some practice of test conditions is necessary, so that the children are familiar with the format of the questions.

9 How can you help? With reading share books, newspapers, comics or magazines together and talk about them; Ask children questions that demand more than simply recalling facts; Ask your children to explain their ideas and preferences; Ask questions that use inference and deduction. Share writing activities – model how to…

10 How can you help? The best help is interest taken in learning and progress. Supporting homework. Not putting children under too much pressure by over- emphasising revision work. Ensuring children arrive for tests: -in good time -having had breakfast -having gone to bed at a reasonable time - water to drink Stay positive!

11 2015 Test Timetable Mon 11 MayTues 12 MayWed 13 MayThurs14 MayJune Reading test – 60 minutes English grammar, punctuation and spelling. Paper 1 – 45 minutes Paper 2 – spelling 15 minutes Mental Mathematics test 20 minutes and Mathematics test A 45 minutes Mathematics test B 45 minutes Science- Teacher assessment of science – Paper A and B – 45 minutes Level 6 reading test – 10 minutes reading and 50 minutes to complete the test. Level 6 English grammar, punctuation and spelling. Paper 1 – 30 minutes Paper 2 – 20 minutes Paper 3 – 10 minutes Level 6 maths papers 1 and 2 – 30 minutes each. Paper 2 at Level 6 has a calculator allowed Potentially some children will sit an external science test if the school is chosen.

12 Any Questions?

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