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Ms. Mahoney Theater October 2015.  A play is a story that is written to be acted on a stage or in a theater.  A skit is a short play that is usually.

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Presentation on theme: "Ms. Mahoney Theater October 2015.  A play is a story that is written to be acted on a stage or in a theater.  A skit is a short play that is usually."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ms. Mahoney Theater October 2015

2  A play is a story that is written to be acted on a stage or in a theater.  A skit is a short play that is usually performed in a more informal setting like a club meeting or a classroom. Skits are often funny.  Acting is to perform, to play a part, to pretend to be a character in a play for theater, a movie, television or radio.  The written text for a skit or play is called the script.

3 Instructions Decide what genre and length your skit will be. Determine what you're attempting to do – entertain, convey a message, be humorous, be serious? What tone do you want to set? Sit down and plan your story. Break the story down into play form, making sure each of your actors has a part.

4 On the first page of your skit, write the name of your story and briefly outline the story's setting. ›"The Education of Miss Emma" ›This play is set in a schoolroom. Characters are Miss Emma and her students Johnny, Elizabeth, Marcus, Jane and Judy. Read through to make sure it doesn't exceed the required length. If it does, cut the dialogue to shorten the skit. If the skit isn't long enough, add more action and dialogue to lengthen the play.

5 When writing your script, make sure to follow the standard format:  Cover Page: Title of your play, estimated run time and full contact info here. Briefly outline setting and actors needed.  CHARACTER : All Caps. Centered on the page. A single space hard return after.  Dialog: Centered. You must keep lines together.  SCENE HEADING : All caps with no indent. Left justified.  Stage Directions/Action : Use italics if possible (or use parenthesis). Right justify. Give enough space before and after so that the stage directions are clearly distinguished from the other three styles.

6 "Hipster Hobos“ by D. M. Larson The scene is written for 6 actors but can be done with more or less. There needs to be at least 1 male and 1 female. The Hipsters can be any gender and any number. (Mel and Nell enter the seating area of a restaurant with a tray filled with drinks, a number and dinner rolls. They are talking so they don't notice immediately that all the tables are taken by a person a each table with a laptop or tablet or some electronic device) NELL You think the kids are okay? MEL We have a good sitter. NELL Why do they have to act that way when I leave? They act like they are dying. Why do they have to be so over-dramatic? It's worse than watching Titanic. MEL No... nothing is worse than watching Titanic. (They realize they are wandering a bit too much) NELL All the tables are taken.

7  te-skit.html te-skit.html   https://pwcenter.or https://pwcenter.or  Google will provide you with many more.

8  For this project, you will create a skit based upon one of HML’s Core Values.  Each group will choose a card with a Core Value on it. You may trade with another group if both groups agree.  Each group will create and perform an original skit based upon that value.  The skit which scores the highest for each value across all of my classes will be filmed by the television class for broadcast during future announcements and for other possible uses.  The winning skits will earn a treat party during a future lunch party. I will bake the treats.

9  The class must break into 6 groups of at least 5 people each.  Your skit must have at least 4 characters. (Other group members may be in charge of props, settings, stage managing, etc., but must have an identified role.)  Your skit must focus on your core value.  Your skit must not contain profanity or violence.  Your skit must be no shorter than 2 minutes, no longer than 4 minutes.  Your group must produce a written script done in the proper format. (I would suggest that you handwrite the script and use phones to take pics of it for the actors.)

10  Class 1 – Powerpoint, split into groups, choose Core Value (Mon/Tues)  Class 2 – Create script, get script graded, distribute script to group, begin rehearsals (Wed/Thurs)  Class 3 – Continue rehearsals (Fri/Mon)  Class 4 – Perform skits (Tues/Wed 10/27 – 10/28)

11  Form your groups now.  Each group must send one member to me to choose the Core Value card.  On the back of the card, please write the following:  Student Name Role or Job  Turn the card in to me prior to your performance.

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