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Geographically It’s closer than you might think.

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2 Geographically It’s closer than you might think.

3 Sea of Galilee Dead Sea Bethlehem Jerusalem

4 But you, O Bethlehem Ephrathah, are only a small village in Judah. Yet a ruler of Israel will come from you, one whose origins are from the distant past. Micah 5:2 (NLT)


6 Historically It’s closer than you might think.

7 “I bring you good news of great joy for everyone! The Saviour—yes, the Messiah, the Lord—has been born tonight in Bethlehem, the city of David!” Luke 2:10-11 (NLT)

8 Finally, they came to a place called The Skull. All three were crucified there—Jesus on the center cross, and the two criminals on either side. Luke 23:33 (NLT)


10 Spiritually It’s closer than you might think.

11 So Jesus grew both in height and in wisdom, and he was loved by God and by all who knew him. Luke 2:52 (NLT)


13 Who could have made the journey?

14 The Innkeeper

15 She gave birth to her first child, a son. She wrapped him snugly in strips of cloth and laid him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the village inn. Luke 2:7 (NLT)

16 …there was no room for them in the village inn. Luke 2:7 (NLT)

17 The Innkeeper Represents people who don’t know and don’t care

18 King Herod

19 Herod was furious when he learned the wise men had outwitted him. Matthew 2:16 (NLT)

20 “There are some people who want to throw their arms round you simply because it is Christmas; there are other people who want to strangle you simply because it is Christmas.” ~ Robert Lynd “There are some people who want to throw their arms round you simply because it is Christmas; there are other people who want to strangle you simply because it is Christmas.” ~ Robert Lynd

21 King Herod Represents people who resent the religious nature of Christmas

22 The Shepherds

23 That night some shepherds were in the fields outside the village, guarding their flocks of sheep… They ran to the village and found Mary and Joseph. And there was the baby, lying in the manger. Luke 2:8, 16 (NLT)

24 The Shepherds Represent people who are “flash in the pan” Christians

25 The Wise Men Represent people who are sincerely seeking Jesus

26 Mary

27 Standing near the cross were Jesus' mother, and his mother's sister, Mary (the wife of Clopas), and Mary Magdalene. Standing near the cross were Jesus' mother, and his mother's sister, Mary (the wife of Clopas), and Mary Magdalene. John 19:25 (NLT)

28 Mary Represents people who are 100% committed

29 “I am the Lord’s servant, and I am willing to accept whatever he wants.” Luke 1:38 (NLT)

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