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Resurrection Detectives The Court Case! Learning Objective: To evaluate whether the resurrection of Jesus took place.

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Presentation on theme: "Resurrection Detectives The Court Case! Learning Objective: To evaluate whether the resurrection of Jesus took place."— Presentation transcript:

1 Resurrection Detectives The Court Case! Learning Objective: To evaluate whether the resurrection of Jesus took place. BBhpI

2 Arguments For and Against Half of you are going to come up with arguments to say the resurrection did take place. The other half are going to come up with arguments to say it did not take place. You will then share your arguments with each other and act as the Judge.

3 Did the resurrection take place? Do you think the resurrection took place? Write your opinion on your post it note with your reason. Yes MaybeNo

4 Previous Years Ideas if they are helpful...

5 8W1 Yes All of the disciples and Mary saw Jesus. Eye witnesses. No one else knew what Jesus said at the Last Supper apart from the disciples. There a billions of Christians around the world who believe Jesus resurrected. Written in the Bible. Many people saw the tomb was empty. Jesus predicted this would happen. Mary said it felt like Jesus and she knew him well. No The only evidence is in the Bible. Mary wasn’t a reliable witness because she could have been hallucinating. Only the people who believed in Jesus already saw him. Only friends saw him. No one else has ever risen from the dead. We don’t know what is written in the Bible is true, could have been changed. No one today witnessed it. Thousands of years ago.

6 8X2 Resurrection Yes it did take place If you don’t believe it you also don’t believe in what Jesus can do (e.g. Forgive sins). Christians don’t have to see something to believe it. We can have faith it happened. All of the disciples saw him so more than one witness. Jesus used the same words as the last supper. Only he would have known this. Mary felt Jesus’ presence. If it didn’t happen there would be no Christianity. The story would have been forgotten. At the end it looked like Jesus. No it did not take place All of the disciples were his friends so really wanted to see him. No one who wasn’t friends with Jesus saw him. Need an independent witness. Mary could have been hallucinating. Unreliable. Disciples could be lying. Could be made up. Stories can change over time. It gets changed over generations. 2000 years ago. Didn’t look like Jesus when they first saw him.

7 8Y3 Assessment Yes it did take place Why would someone make it up? Jesus spoke words only he and his disciples knew. He said to Mary “why are you looking among the dead for the living?” Twelve people saw him. Enough witnesses. Wouldn’t all have seen the same illusion. Millions and millions of people believe it. Important to Christians because they can be forgiven for their sins, brought God and humans back together, Jesus showed there is life after death. There would be no Christianity. Physically touched Jesus. Felt like Jesus. No it did not take place No scientific proof. The only evidence is the Bible. Impossible to come back from the dead. No one has done it before or after. Can’t move the stone. The Bible was written after the death of Jesus so not reliable. 2000 years ago. Story could have changed. Chinese whispers. Mary said he didn’t look the same. All of the people who saw him were his followers. Want different witnesses. Could have made it up to make Jesus look like the Son of God to get followers. Mary may have been hallucinating. Not reliable.

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