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The Art of Ancient Egypt 3300 B.C.E. - 1070 B.C.E.

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Presentation on theme: "The Art of Ancient Egypt 3300 B.C.E. - 1070 B.C.E."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Art of Ancient Egypt 3300 B.C.E. - 1070 B.C.E.

2 The Rosetta Stone c. 196 B.C.E., approx. 3 feet high, black basalt, British Museum, London

3 Hieroglyphics Detail of relief sculpture in stone, provenance unknown

4 Hypostyle Hall, Temple of Amun-Re c. 1991-1070 B.C.E., Karnak, Egypt

5 Pyramids of Mycerinus, Chephren and Cheops c. 2601-2515 B.C.E., Giza, Egypt

6 Temple of Ramses II c. 1260 B.C.E., Abu Simbel, Egypt

7 Coffin of Tutankhamun c. 1327 B.C.E., gold inlaid with gems, Cairo Museum, Egypt

8 White Lotus Chalice c. 1327 B.C.E., alabaster, size unknown, Cairo Museum, Egypt

9 Tomb of Sennefer, Interior c. 1413 B.C.E., Luxor, Egypt

10 Sennefer’s Mummy with Canopic Jars From Sennefer’s Tomb, c. 1413 B.C.E., Luxor, Egypt

11 Illustrations from a “Book of the Dead” c. 1285 B.C.E., painted papyrus, The British Museum, London

12 The Goddess Hathor with Pharaoh Horemheb c. 1360 B.C.E., size and location unknown

13 Akhenaten and Nefertiti with Daughters c. 1350 B.C.E., sunken relief, Staatliche Museen, Berlin

14 Queen Nefertiti c. 1350 B.C.E., painted limestone, Staatliche Museen, Berlin

15 Women at a Banquet c. 1360 B.C.E., wall painting from the tomb of Nakt, Thebes

16 Thutmose III c. 1480 B.C.E., slate sculpture from the temple at Karnak, Luxor Museum, Egypt

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